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About lauren728

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  1. International Public Health

    Have you thought about a NP/MPH... they have many accelerated programs now... just a thought. I don't really know anyone doing international work, but at least an NP program would be much shorter...
  2. I work as a public health nurse, and usually just deal with moms and babies, but doing all home visits. There are other public health nurses in my department who also see older adults, help organize...
  3. It's public health or nothing?

    I worked in peds in the hospital and did travel nursing, and then after 3 years went into public health. I definitely love it- it really is the only area in nursing that's perfect for me- I couldn't...
  4. Differences in CNM schools?

    I was wondering if most schools require L&D experience... Did you, or others in your class? I have 3 years of Peds, and 1.5 yrs of public health nursing with prenatal/postpartum clients. I'm...
  5. Why did you become a Public Health Nurse?

    Hi! I made the switch from pediatric hospital nursing to public health (maternal child). I absolutely love it. For myself (and a lot of PHN's), the best things are developing strong relationships with...
  6. Home visits

    Thanks Jayla! I actually got the job, and will be working with pregnant women as well! Do you have any safety tips at all? Or other general tips? I'm really excited about the
  7. Home visits

    I'm a pediatric traveling nurse who's interested in public health. I was curious if anyone had any issues/problems doing home visits (if you encountered any sketchy situations). I'm just a young...