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About RunNP

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  1. What was your first AGACNP job?

    I went straight into a Pulmonary practice with 50/50 inpatient/clinic work. I had wanted all inpatient work, but overall I have grown to enjoy my clinic patients more than the inpatient
  2. DNP vs MD

    Is this even a serious discussion? There is a huge difference between DNP and MD. I am a little embarrassed for anyone who would even assume they are even close in position. An MD has 4 years of...
  3. Midwest Market

    Im in Wisconsin and there are jobs in the rural areas. I have heard Madison and Milwaukee can be tough markets for a new grad. However, there are tons of family practice positions in most of the...
  4. FNP Oversaturation

    We see what is happening in our communities. My position which I have been in for nearly two years pays less for new hires in the same role today. Throughout the region the salaries have dropped...
  5. Do you wear open toed shoes as an NP?

    If I come to work from the gym I am in sweats or shorts, but change once I get to work. I have never thought about wearing shorts to work in... If in doubt of the appropriateness of the item just run...
  6. Do you wear open toed shoes as an NP?

    Not often, but once in a while when I have only clinic hours with no procedures scheduled or on admin days I will dress up a bit and wear the heels or sandals. I have scrubs, tennis shoes in my...
  7. My spouse and I both hold doctorate degrees and I have yet to receive an invitation that was not addressed to Dr & Mrs. I do not sweat it. His took a whole lot more time than mine
  8. What do you sign?

    When I started working in my current position we were given the option of how we wanted our name/title to come out in the EMR, business cards, lab coats, etc... I went simple with First name last name...
  9. 1. Were you able to work full time while completing your program? My program was a brick and mortar and I worked full time at first then switched to weekends only plan when clinical picked up pace....
  10. FNP-BC & FNP-C

    I took them both and to be honest i did not think one was tougher than the other. I was more nervous and anxious during the AANP one as I took it first so sitting for the ANCC I was not so tense. I...
  11. Locum tenens for 3 mo as first PMHNP job?

    I can not imagine having my first job be a locum. Good
  12. Urine Drug Screen ....surprise!

    I feel for those of you who deal with the chronic pain issue and drug seekers. I remember in school how they carried on about the contracts, pill counts and urine tests for people on pain med...
  13. America, party of 2

    I try to see the other side of an issue and form some type of understanding of another's point of view, but there are just some ideas in this topic that make me sad. Some areas I do not understand...
  14. Moving to another state after graduation

    I would start the process early as not all states are that quick with the process. You can also apply for your NP while still in school and just update as you go. I have worked in some states where...
  15. America, party of 2

    I have a dear friend back in TN who was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS some 17 years ago. He now lives without any real restrictions and has been on SSI/Medicare/Medicaid for years. I asked him years back...