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All Content by FutureFatMan

  1. Doctor stole my stethoscope

    *cracks knuckles* Okay buddy. Your stethoscope was stolen? Really? That implies an act of malice, and somehow I DOUBT that. Your property is your responsibility, if you feel it was STOLEN report it to an admin (good luck with that insanity). You will...
  2. Anyone dating a med-student?

    This is ridiculous as a thread. There are plenty of relationship combinations that DO and DON'T work. If you're a "nurse" theoretically you should be smart enough to realize how insane this question is. Relationships are based on two people and the...
  3. Medical Students vs. Nursing Students

    Medical students do NOT do grunt work on a "nursing" level. We call consults, coordinate patient transfers, etc. We RARELY place catheters, clean up or deal with chemicals. It's not in our scope of practice, and it's not a good use of our time. Our g...