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All Content by Erinl1972

  1. OHIO STATE Grad-Entry Summer 2017

    Yes, I am starting in peds in june (assuming i get the b in physio-my last pre req).
  2. OHIO STATE Grad-Entry Summer 2017

    But really, don't go by me. I haven't done all the math. It's just a number that sticks in my head from when I asked about it a couple of years ago. Good luck!
  3. OHIO STATE Grad-Entry Summer 2017

    I haven't started yet but I can tell you the little that I do know. I believe it's about 18mos until you take the NCLEX. The total length is 3 years. As I understand it, yes, you can get loans (I am certainly hoping so as I cannot enroll without them...
  4. OHIO STATE Grad-Entry Summer 2017

    Did anyone take advanced medical terminology? I am debating about whether to do it or not.
  5. OHIO STATE Grad-Entry Summer 2017

    I took pharm before both of those. It's not necessary at all to have taken those before pharm.
  6. OHIO STATE Grad-Entry Summer 2017

    I won't be in the neonatal program but at the time that was what I was interested in. I was accepted into pediatrics.
  7. OHIO STATE Grad-Entry Summer 2017

    lkreemer, i wonder if we met at the neonatal info session...? you and i were two of four and the only moms. i had been interested in the neonatal but i don't think i can handle the nights/days flip-flopping.
  8. OHIO STATE Grad-Entry Summer 2017

    And yes, the info sessions were incredibly helpful as was talking the the grad-entry advisor.
  9. OHIO STATE Grad-Entry Summer 2017

    My bachelor's was from 20 years ago in Human Development and Family Studies, not from OSU. My gpa from that was a 3.1 and I have done two of the five pre reqs, was in progress with two at time of app. Mix of As and Bs from those. I have worked out of...
  10. OHIO STATE Grad-Entry Summer 2017

    I was also accepted into peds. :)
  11. OHIO STATE Grad-Entry Summer 2017

    I just emailed them. If I hear back, I will let you all know.
  12. OHIO STATE Grad-Entry Summer 2017

    Starting become a problem with me checking the app status lots of times in the day. Has anyone heard anything?
  13. OHIO STATE Grad-Entry Summer 2017

    I hope people will chime in if they get notifications about acceptances or otherwise. I know it may be a few weeks but I am starting to anticipate something sooner than later. Lots of deep breaths for all...
  14. OHIO STATE Grad-Entry Summer 2017

    My husband's office is right across from there but luckily he was sick at home today. Very scary.
  15. OHIO STATE Grad-Entry Summer 2017

    Oh! I was looking in the wrong spot. Yes, it does say that. Thank you armymusic2013!
  16. OHIO STATE Grad-Entry Summer 2017

    Thanks Katosu. I just checked mine and there isn't anything in there about community anything in my application status. It just says pending. Naturally I think that means I have been eliminated.
  17. OHIO STATE Grad-Entry Summer 2017

    I did mine on Sunday. I also forgot to repeat the questions and was so nervous that I thought it reflected poorly on me. I felt tongue-tied and I fumbled my words.
  18. OHIO STATE Grad-Entry Summer 2017

    So sorry about your dog. That's so hard to lose a pet.
  19. OHIO STATE Grad-Entry Summer 2017

    Also got an interview email. Can you practice and then take it another time or does it have to be all at once?
  20. OHIO STATE Grad-Entry Summer 2017

    Is it really not till January that we will hear?
  21. OHIO STATE Grad-Entry Summer 2017

    I just uploaded the last of my application! Holysmokes. Now for the waiting...
  22. OHIO STATE Grad-Entry Summer 2017

    I am in Columbus although originally from the East Coast and came here by way of Wisconsin. I have been out of school for...wait for it...over 20 years! Meanwhile, I can't figure out how to do the recommender thing. Do I have to create accounts for e...
  23. OHIO STATE Grad-Entry Summer 2017

    Depends on how long ago and where you took your prereqs but you can always try checking transferology to see how things line up.
  24. OHIO STATE Grad-Entry Summer 2017

    Yes, that's happened to me but if you email [email protected] (i would double check that i have this address right), I did get a quick response from someone named Mark who was very helpful. The acceptable prereqs are on there but I guess only if you ta...
  25. I am considering applying for the OSU grad-entry nursing master's program specializing in either pediatrics or psychiatric. I will not be able to move at this time because I have three kids and a husband all with attachments to the area. I have perus...