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All Content by leomak

  1. Does anyone work as Rapid Response?

    Hey do you have protocols for this position? I am trying to start a position like this/advocate for our critical care nurses at my hospital. I need more information on RRT nurses having no other assignments or responsibilities and and it has been dif...
  2. Does anyone work as Rapid Response?

    Hi, what electronic documentation system does your facility use? I'm wondering if my hospital could generate these reports with EPIC medical record system. Does your hospital have a RRT that solely monitors or responds to RRTs? Do you have protocols...
  3. Does anyone work as Rapid Response?

    PMFB-RN, do you have protocols for what the rapid response nurse is responsible for? I am trying to gather research based evidence for my hospital to open this kind of position to critical care nurses. Currently we are a level 1 trauma center and our...