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About blaaveispiken

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  1. I'm leaving floor nursing...

    I was a floor nurse too and had to leave. Initially went into Home Health and for the past 4 years have been in Hospice -- and I have loved both! Good luck to you. I doubt you will be going home...
  2. I do primarily admissions for the company I work for so what I carry in my car would be somewhat different than the case managers. Following is how I organize my car: Behind the back seat: I use a...
  3. home health care RN pay (Chicago)

    P.S. Just reread your post and didn't realize when I wrote the first post that you are a new grad. I highly recommend doing AT LEAST one year at a hospital in med surg. You will be much better...
  4. home health care RN pay (Chicago)

    I think that is terrible pay, unless they are repeat visits. If that is the pay you are getting to do admissions on away now!!! I get paid hourly, see 5 repeat patients a day, or 3...
  5. What Would You Do If You Were In My Shoes?

    I would do more research on the facility you will be working at. You could post questions you have about the place here (under "Region" then choose the state you will be working in. I can't help but...
  6. QUIT in orientation?

    You only live once and you know your own heart. It sounds like you already know you need to resign from your current position, take your dream job and don't look back! When you resign you don't need...
  7. Has Anyone Else Experienced this ??

    Honestly this sounds like age discrimination -- talk to a
  8. Evergreen Nursing and Rehabilitation center in Olympia

    I Glad you like it -- you are one of the few who do. It used to be a great place to work, but no
  9. Evergreen Nursing and Rehabilitation center in Olympia

    Think again about St. Pete's too -- it is total care (no CNA's), you carry a phone programmed to your patients rooms so call lights go off on your phone. It is a nightmare and I would not send my...
  10. blackout curtains advice

    You can purchase blackout curtain material at Joanne's or any place where they sell material. When I worked night shift I bought blackout material and just tacked it around my window every morning...
  11. [WIKI] This floor is just plain brutal. I cry everytime I have to go to that floor. [/WIKI] Just curious how this floor differs from other floors where you work. Do you have a favorite unit in the...
  12. Doesn't sound to me like the job is not a good fit, but rather your coworkers appear to be non-supportive, which can double the stress. On the other hand, I've learned that sometimes what appears to...
  13. Support Stickie for New nurses who are not coping

    Wow -- this sounds like a very scary place to work. Can't you find something else? You will never feel like you are a good nurse working in an impossible situation like you've described. I agree --...
  14. Depressed about other staffers

    Run...and don't look
  15. What would you do??

    You've already received some good advice but take into consideration (which it sounds like you are) you never get those years back with your children and it sounds like you already feel like you are...