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  1. UT-Tyler Accelerated BSN SPRING 2017

    No I haven't either. I went to an advising appointment last week and Tammy said they would be sending them out soon. They were waiting for our names to be put in the system before sending us the...
  2. UT Tyler BSN Fall 2017

    How do I move to the student
  3. Hello Guys!! I recently applied to the accelerated BSN at UT Tyler and do not get accepted so I am going to try for the tradition BSN fall 2017. Is anybody in the same boat or just applying to the...
  4. UT-Tyler Accelerated BSN SPRING 2017

    I had 94 points on my application. Sadly, I still have not heard back. I imagine we will find out next week because that will be the 8 week deadline from when we submitted our application. How many...
  5. UT-Tyler Accelerated BSN SPRING 2017

    I applied to the Tyler campus accelerated track and have not heard back
  6. UT-Tyler Accelerated BSN SPRING 2017

    Agreed! I can not wait to find out. I keep checking my email for any news. Has anyone who applied to campus other than Tyler heard back or will they tell us all at the same
  7. UT-Tyler Accelerated BSN SPRING 2017

    Thank you for the information! I was really hoping to find out in October Only 30 applicants for Tyler seems scary. I hope everyone gets into the program they want. Good luck
  8. UT-Tyler Accelerated BSN SPRING 2017

    I do not have a backup plan either, so I also really hope I get in! Good
  9. UT-Tyler Accelerated BSN SPRING 2017

    I think Tammie, the advisor in Tyler, had said anything in the 82 to 88 was considered competitive for the traditional BSN. Good
  10. UT-Tyler Accelerated BSN SPRING 2017

    Hey guys! I am also applying to UT Tyler Accelerated BSN spring 2017. I am taking the TEAS this weekend! I am a little nervous, has anyone else taking it? Has anyone completed the nursing application...