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All Content by (Sofie)

  1. Psych nurses all have a mental illness

    Or maybe it's not the nurse who has/has a history of mental illness, but someone in her family.
  2. Psych NPs: Do you touch your clients?

    Hi everybody! In school we were thought: DO NOT TOUCH psych patients... However, I do believe that sometimes for some patients it can be extremely therapeutic and healing! With enough experience and expertise in the field, you should be able to figur...
  3. Ok, I got it! You're right.
  4. Hi pmabraham, It was just general opinion/evaluation about students based on interactions within the group during lunch break. Nothing to do with pt. interaction, etc.
  5. Our psych teacher did the same thing. either told students -You're very quiet! or to others: -You talk too much. Figure that one out...