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All Content by Missa310

  1. BLM rioters cheer as Trump supporter murdered

    @FNP2B1 - You really should be concentrating on taking care of patients and not this political nonsense. You're making yourself look like an absolute *** in front of your peers. (Yes, even liberal nurses are your peers.)
  2. BLM rioters cheer as Trump supporter murdered

    I send all my heart-felt THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS. I don't condone this violence, but I don't condone YOU using this as a way to prove liberals are "bad". You want a NON-supporter of Trump (ANYONE, doesn't matter) to flip sides and say.... "OMG, you'r...
  3. a kid shouldn't be wearing Trump propaganda, imo. I'm sure I'll get heat for that statement, but a child has no business wearing political attire. they can't vote. ?‍♀️
  4. Feeling bad

    You might feel differently if it were your loved one. JS. I've lived this. When you say the patient "refused" the mask with sat's in the 50s. I find it hard to believe the patient was conscious enough to "refuse" anything. Sats that low are NOT ...
  5. Feeling bad

    I don't know if she was "do not hospitalize". We don't have that specific paperwork here in Ohio. However, DNR does not mean DO NOT TREAT. I've had LTC staff (NURSES, no less) tell me that since my mother was non-compliant with her personal bipap ...
  6. Feeling bad

    I don't know what state you're in, but this is EXACTLY why I always put my mom on FULL CODE when she was in a LTC facility. Staff does NOT understand that calling EMS even when a patient is DNR does not violate the DNR, especially a comfort-care DNR...
  7. Chemical Castration Condition for Parole in Alabama

    I watched a documentary on Amazon Prime about this. They are trying it in the UK. It was an interesting watch. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1068767/
  8. Has anyone worked with Dr. Now as a RN or CNA

    The girl who calls them in from waiting area rarely smiles and looks as if she hates her job. J/S
  9. Pain management

    THANK YOU --- 100% AGREE. I'm not a nurse nor am I in the health care business. I take care of my mother who is in pain every day and not one of many "doctors" will help her. Pain management wants to do injections, physical therapy....yada, yada.....
  10. Clorox and DFACS

    My mom has diabetic ulcers and her podiatrist has us Dakins. It does work well.
  11. Choose Your Favorite TV Nurse

    Zoey Barkow - from Nurse Jackie. She learned from the best and she's HILARIOUS. :)
  12. Transporting patient home via squad

    I'm not a nurse. I'm a caregiver to my mother. I love reading this forum. The information and knowledge is vast. Thank you all! Now on to my question.... My mother is 55. COPD. OSA. CHF. Diabetic. She has a laundry list of problems. She h...
  13. Transporting patient home via squad
