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All Content by Jarrett1337

  1. 2018-19 Tidewater Community College

    I wonder what the 45th percentile for HESI cutoff was
  2. 2018-19 Tidewater Community College

    Now I feel like an idiot calling, it came in the mail today haha! I got in yay!
  3. 2018-19 Tidewater Community College

    Called TCC. They won't give results over the phone and are mailing the second letter today. If for some reason I never get the second one by next Monday then they can make a third letter for me to pick up in the office. So silly. Whatever time to pla...
  4. 2018-19 Tidewater Community College

    I agree. I did not get one B in any of the pre req or co-req courses. They confirmed I was on the list to get a letter earlier this week when I called but clearly it didn't get sent or it got lost haha. At this point it's frustrating but kind of comi...
  5. 2018-19 Tidewater Community College

    No letter Friday or today. Calling on Monday. YAY This is a fun game =)
  6. 2018-19 Tidewater Community College

    Got the mail today. Good news is I got a halloween card from my mom up north. Bad new - still nothing from TCC. This is such a joke haha.
  7. 2018-19 Tidewater Community College

    No letter again today, something must be wrong, I'm calling TCC. Am I the only one left who doesn't have one? EDIT: I called TCC office and was told to wait until Monday/Tuesday of next week and if I still do not have one to call back.
  8. 2018-19 Tidewater Community College

    No letter again hahahaa! Someday it'll come.
  9. 2018-19 Tidewater Community College

    Still no mail at all since like Thursday, maybe the mailman isn't delivering any? I dunno haha. The wait continues!
  10. 2018-19 Tidewater Community College

    No mail today. Monday it is!
  11. 2018-19 Tidewater Community College

    Thanks for the update. You'll make it happen next go around. Congrats on baby #3!
  12. 2018-19 Tidewater Community College

    Seems about right. Thanks for calling.
  13. 2018-19 Tidewater Community College

    At this point I'm not very nervous or anxious about the letter coming, I'm more bored that even if we do get in, we have to wait until August to start school. Still saddening that TCC dropped the ball and couldn't start us in January.
  14. 2018-19 Tidewater Community College

    2.5 weeks until letters go out!
  15. 2018-19 Tidewater Community College

    Do we have any idea what the 45th percentile is?
  16. 2018-19 Tidewater Community College

    Yeah I'm trying to focus on other goals for this year to pass the time quicker. I did complain to my wife at one point that this feels like it's taking forever haha.
  17. 2018-19 Tidewater Community College

    Now we wait the two months.
  18. 2018-19 Tidewater Community College

    Congrats on the 87! That will be good. Hope the sfudyvresources helped.
  19. 2018-19 Tidewater Community College

    Good luck today on your HESI exam Wishing2BeRN I'm sure you'll do great =)
  20. 2018-19 Tidewater Community College

    GPA is just curricular GPA. Any class that would count towards the degree. So pre-reqs, co-reqs, and nursing classes. You will be fine for the HESI you have plenty of time to study. Just put the work in and the results will come.
  21. 2018-19 Tidewater Community College

    It should be fine, the last few application periods the average for 45th percentile averaged from 76-81, we shall see. the 4.0 will be competitive even without 2 of the co-requisite classes. I hope all 3 of us get in =)
  22. 2018-19 Tidewater Community College

    You get to take each of the seven sections in whatever order you want. I just went straight down the list with no real game plan. A&P was maybe 27-30 questions which 25 are graded.
  23. 2018-19 Tidewater Community College

    Crush the HESI and your odds will go up. Did you get an A in A&P 1 and 2? Those will help a lot. 90+ HESI will be clutch so study hard. You can do it.
  24. 2018-19 Tidewater Community College

    Thanks for the compliments I appreciate it. For the Hesi you follow the TCC testing center prompts or use the nursing admission packets instructions to pay for and sign up for it online. Make sure to print your receipt for TCC when you take it at the...
  25. 2018-19 Tidewater Community College

    Not sure why my post above went through twice. Oh well.