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All Content by ItsThatJenGirl

  1. ItsThatJenGirl

    Older Student, Unprofessional Nurse During Clinical

    Aww thanks! I try to be mindful of the fact that there's more that I don't know than stuff I do know.
  2. ItsThatJenGirl

    Whats in your bag?

    There are several people in my program that have rolling bags. I have this one: : OGIO International Soho Pack, Wine, One Size : Sports & Outdoors I like it a lot. I'm finishing up my first semester, so as far as what's in bag - my Ma...
  3. ItsThatJenGirl

    Conflicting Dosage Calculation Information

    If your instructor says to round, you round.
  4. ItsThatJenGirl

    Older Student, Unprofessional Nurse During Clinical

    I totally agree with you, and I've been around long enough to see the trends you mentioned. I mentioned in an earlier post that I experienced something similar, and my only issue is where it was said, not what was said. I'd never begrudge anyone that...
  5. ItsThatJenGirl

    UTHSCSA Fall 2018

    I'm not sure what your schedule will be, but the class times are set and the same for the whole cohort. Honestly morning is the best - you get the best parking spots.
  6. I was getting a patient to the shower chair to assist with bathing and he said, "please don't judge Richard by the size he is right now, I'm a grower, not a shower. It may look like a turtle head right now, but he's just being shy". Richard, of cour...
  7. ItsThatJenGirl

    Did I make the right decision returning to school?

    I think so much of this depends on where your clinical is. I was lucky enough to be placed on a really great unit - nurses that were happy to teach, lots of wound care, and patient interaction. The nurse to patient ratio was low (1:4, max, usually 1:...
  8. ItsThatJenGirl

    Unfair Fundamentals Clinical Testing?

    So why'd you fail the first time?
  9. ItsThatJenGirl

    Can I even get in

    What is your overall GPA? You're not going to have much luck at UT Health under a 3.0. The average for my cohort was like a 3.7. When are you taking the TEAS test? The campus in San Antonio looks at your overall GPA and your math/science GPA.
  10. ItsThatJenGirl

    How To Critically Think

    Nursing school questions are application based. So you'll have a patient scenario and you need to figure out a few things - what the question is asking (look for words like first, or assess, or intervention), then how to answer that question. So an ...
  11. ItsThatJenGirl

    Foundations Lab Questions

    For foundations, we only had two formal skills check offs - one for medication administration and one for foley catheter insertion. You were allowed one retest. No one failed out because of these check offs. For health assessments, we have two, too. ...
  12. ItsThatJenGirl

    Older Student, Unprofessional Nurse During Clinical

    Because life experience matters when we're talking about professional behavior. Students are CONSTANTLY thrown the "you're just a student, you don't understand" line on here. In terms of the medical knowledge, skills, etc - I agree, I'm just a studen...
  13. ItsThatJenGirl

    Will I have to remember this as a nurse?

    Oh man, the one I use is borderline offensive.
  14. ItsThatJenGirl

    Older Student, Unprofessional Nurse During Clinical

    I had a similar experience recently. My biggest issue isn't what was said, it was where it was said. Right out in the open, easily heard by anyone in the vicinity. I understand that people need to vent - it's an important part of coping. Venting at t...
  15. ItsThatJenGirl

    Does your nursing school offer test review

    We take all of our tests online (in class) and you can see what you missed immediately. After the grades are posted, the instructors encourage you to meet with them to go over your exam and what you missed.
  16. ItsThatJenGirl

    Messed up in Clinical

    Not a major error at all! I tried to bring food to store in the fridge out of a MRSA/VRE room without wiping it down. I forgot the proper procedure to recap a needle after drawing up heparin, and I told the patient I was nervous before doing my first...
  17. I like to make a list of skills I really want to do, and ask around to see if any nurse has a patient that needs that skill performed. If so, I ask if I can be pulled when they are ready.
  18. How do your clinicals work? Are you paired with a nurse, or assigned tasks by your instructor?
  19. ItsThatJenGirl

    Nursing student HIPAA VIOLATION! Help

    No, it's not a HIPAA violation. It's bad form, probably against hospital policy, but not HIPAA. Q&A: Accessing your own information - And it's two A's - not two P's.
  20. ItsThatJenGirl

    UTHSCSA Fall 2018

    It's not required, but it's recommended. I'd wait until August to get one for the new batch.
  21. ItsThatJenGirl

    UTHSCSA Fall 2018

    You have to get one for Hep B, but the rest I think you're okay as long as you have the documentation that you've received them.
  22. ItsThatJenGirl

    UTHSCSA Fall 2018

    You should be able to :)
  23. ItsThatJenGirl

    UTHSCSA Fall 2018

    Yes, it's included in your tuition! The people from Gold's will come in and talk to you guys at orientation and give you the details on getting your membership.
  24. ItsThatJenGirl

    UTHSCSA Fall 2018

    I've got two of my own :) I'm doing just fine. You really just have to stay on top of your material. All of your classes expect you to review the powerpoints and the objective before class, so that when you come to class, it's a review rather than e...
  25. ItsThatJenGirl

    Condom snorting

    I don't think this is actually occurring. There was a girl in 2007 that did this on YouTube, and that was recently found by parents in Texas, which started the buzz about it. This is a case of really bad "reporting".