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All Content by ItsThatJenGirl

  1. ItsThatJenGirl

    Manager said something covertly racist

    This really sort of chaps my behind. You asked for advice, and Sour Lemon gave it - from a highly relevant perspective and you sort of crapped all over it. Just really unnecessary.
  2. ItsThatJenGirl

    I am guilty of oversharing

    I thought I replied to this last night, oops! I think if avoiding things on this list is going to make YOU happy, then you should do it. If it's to make other people comfortable or please one person in your clinical group, please don't do it. Good ...
  3. ItsThatJenGirl

    Feeling incompetent in nursing school

    I'm in a BSN program. I highly doubt it's harder than an ASN program. The only real difference is a few classes like Research and Community Health or something like that. We all have to take the same exact test in the end. I do feel incompetent some...
  4. ItsThatJenGirl

    Am I too old to start?

    I will graduate next fall at the age of 40. So, no.
  5. ItsThatJenGirl

    Accidental Pregnancy

    If I were in your shoes, I'd have an abortion. It sounds like it's just not the right time in your life for a baby. I was faced with a similar situation a very long time ago, and I'm happy to chat about my decision with you privately. I know there's...
  6. ItsThatJenGirl

    Do nurses get away with nurse brutality

    I don't even understand what this thread is about.
  7. ItsThatJenGirl

    I am guilty of oversharing

    Interestingly, I over-share about my past trauma, too. I wonder if it's some sort of coping mechanism. Do you want to change this habit because it bothers other people or because it bothers you? I find the sort of honesty you mention refreshing. I l...
  8. ItsThatJenGirl

    I am guilty of oversharing

    Oh bless you. I overshare, too. But for me I think it's because if people know the bad/awkward stuff about me, they can decide early if I'm someone they can be friends with. I am awkward and uncomfortable. I don't talk about things like my sex life o...
  9. ItsThatJenGirl

    Reference Letters

    What about professors or employers?
  10. ItsThatJenGirl

    Acing anatomy- what makes muscles so hard?

    My absolute best advice is to stop letting people freak you out. I feel into that trap and it really set me back. Muscles were challenging, but certainly not impossible. There's a layer of difficulty because of the naming and layering of them, but w...
  11. ItsThatJenGirl

    Will I be paying too much tuition for my ABSN?

    I don't think I'd spend that much if there was an option to spend less for a bit more time. Good luck in your decision!
  12. ItsThatJenGirl

    How long should prereqs take?

    I had 19 classes to take before I could apply to the BSN program I'm in. I did 5 full semesters and a summer session. I did take intro to algebra classes though, since it had been so long since I'd taken any kind of math and I wanted to make sure I w...
  13. ItsThatJenGirl

    Why are nurses disrespected so much?

    If you look on the first page (the quote in post #3 to be specific), you'll see her name didn't have the 2b in there, it was changed. I don't understand why you'd create an account and bump a six month old thread for that though. Different strokes I ...
  14. ItsThatJenGirl

    Helpful Items to Purchase for Nursing School

    You want knee high compression socks - they don't really move at all so I don't think you'll be spending a lot of time adjusting them. They aren't necessary, but they are helpful. Good shoes - you walk a lot not just in the hospital, but on campus to...
  15. ItsThatJenGirl

    Marijuana and Nursing?

    You weren't charged with anything, so I don't really understand how it could have a negative impact on your career.
  16. I feel like there are more pressing issues than the risk of ineffective breathing. If she's hyperkalemic, what is she at risk for? What are some things you need to be watching/assessing?
  17. ItsThatJenGirl

    Unfair Fundamentals Clinical Testing?

    I could almost understand you freezing and blowing it once, but this was the second time you took it. Yikes.
  18. ItsThatJenGirl

    UTHSCSA Fall 2018

    The online trainings don't take much time to complete, so try not to stress about that part.
  19. ItsThatJenGirl

    Need a bit of advice, please

    Last Wednesday I went to a job fair and I was offered a job on the spot for a Nurse Extern position (basically a tech). I was told the offer would be put together and sent to me. I haven't received it yet, but I know these things take time. This is f...
  20. ItsThatJenGirl

    Need a bit of advice, please

    Thanks for all the advice and input! I'm going to apply to the ER to hedge my bets, but if I get the tele offer, I'm going to take it.
  21. You can, sure. You might even be able to do so successfully. I'm finishing up my first semester, and I don't think I would have been as successful as I have been while working. But you might be better at juggling things than I am! You can always try...
  22. ItsThatJenGirl

    UTHSCSA Fall 2018

    It varies on which zone you choose. The zone closest to the nursing school is 3, but 90% of your classes aren't in the nursing school, which is under construction. Your classes are all in the ALTC and parking near there is pretty high. I went with Z...
  23. ItsThatJenGirl

    Considering dropping out of BSN Program

    I mean, we are incompetent right now - we're supposed to be. We're at the beginning of all of this - the only way to go from here is up. Yeah, nursing school is pretty tough. So much info, so little time. Everyone tells me that things get harder, bu...
  24. ItsThatJenGirl

    Quick, what is the answer?

    I was before I started nursing school
  25. ItsThatJenGirl

    Quick, what is the answer?

    Is it one?