
Jerico BSN, RN


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About Jerico

Jerico has 2 years experience as a BSN, RN and specializes in ER, NICU.

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  1. A professional nurse does not get intimidated by management making threats. A professional nurse does not work without pay. A professional nurse does what she needs to do ON THE CLOCK. Nursing...
  2. Management has just begun a requirement that all nurses clock in and out for our 30 minute lunch, and if we do not take lunch or take a short lunch we must fill out a discrepancy form. I am working...
  3. Couldn't Ask for a Better Orientation Experience

    Am SO glad you had a great orientation/preceptor experience. I FINALLY got a good orientation/preceptor experience in the THIRD NICU I worked in, and it will KEEP me at this NICU. Sometimes I think...
  4. I too absolutely love babies, always have. I have four of my own! I love being an NICU nurse, I like doing what is best for babies - advocating for them. I would never be any other kind of nurse....
  5. Circumcized on a vent?

    If I saw a doc attempt such, I would report him. That is how wrong this seems to me. Circ under anesthesia while having something else done, well, that would be an intelligent thing, I would...
  6. My questions for you current NICU RNs are: (1) Do you do this rinsing with formula? No (2) Do your coworkers do this? Not that I have seen. (3) Has your hospital educated RNs about avoiding formula...
  7. Do you need a BSN for NICU

    ALL new hires in our NICU for the last four years are required to have a BSN. We are a large NICU and it is the FOURTH NICU I have been in and it is the BEST hands down for it's
  8. I just want to know the barebones UNLESS the baby is less than 24 hours old; or it is a highly critical baby (just short of circling the drain....) : Problems the baby has had during the shift:...
  9. Mid Life Change in Career

    Changed career at age 47 to become NICU Nurse. Second bachelor's RN/BSN, from good school = very important to get into good NICUs. My goal was to be an NICU RN by age 50, met goal. Will likely...
  10. I was in a dr office one day and the recept told me "the nurse" is going to discuss your procedure with you (colonoscopy). So "the nurse" takes me into a business office area, sits me down and starts...
  11. :twocents:My daughter just finished her first term, at Frontier got a 4.0 and found it not too
  12. Some pointers please...NICU admits

    Thanks so much. It helps to know I am not the only one who felt this way! Now I think I can go in this knowing I CAN do it, I just need to delegate and at least appear to know what am doing...I...
  13. Some pointers please...NICU admits

    Thank you. :redbeathe I will do try that. Also, there does not seem to be any sort of "list" of what to do when the baby arrives and when I am stressed anything I remember goes right out the...
  14. ADNs having problems getting jobs?

    BSNs get first pick of jobs as most employers prefer BSN educated nurses. Supply and
  15. I've been an NICU RN for two years. I love NICU III and am technically very competent except other than a problem with emergency admits. I know this sounds stupid, but when emergent admits happen...