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About pwetmore

pwetmore has 42 years experience and specializes in geriactrics.

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  1. Nursing Home as First Job

    the Nursing Home , especially for new grads is ....over whelming !!! Ive been in it so long, I have to keep reminding myself that the new person needs a lot of support ...which I do believe I give...
  2. Should I quit if the job doesn't fit??

    to me...Life is too short to be miserable. Mean girls...are everywhere esp. in a small setting. Been there done
  3. Nurse Entrepreneur Roll Call!

    Im in Florida, and we are in the process of opening an Adult Day care..going on 2.5 years...we ran into another nurse at the city building when we first started..."Im going on 2 years.." but he...
  4. What do you hate most about your job?

    I saw your other comments...yes computer charting. Because......the company did not properly set up training for us Supervisors and there is no IT assistance after hours. My biggest complaint... is...
  5. Nurse Entrepreneur Roll Call!

    Hi ...after 42 yrs of husband and I put together our strengths and passions and are in the process of opening an Adult Day care...lots of things to learn. Going on 2.5 years !! My husband...
  6. Losing my did you find your Niche?

    Hi I know the feeling.....after 42 years !!! the past I have dabbled in a few non nursing jobs on the side. They were creative. And it was just what I needed at the time. I worked the hospitals in...