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All Content by topazann

  1. It's my day off. I can do what I want. I work all week, and my weekends usually involve running errands or seeing friends/family, so having a day to be lazy is wonderful. Once or twice a month my SO and I 'plan' a lazy day. Mostly in which we go...
  2. Favorite Gear for a Gift?

    Get her a massage! Or a chiropractor visit... you can really mess up your back as a nurse it’s good to start habits of self care like this, especially since I’m sure she is stressed to the max. Plus who doesn’t enjoy a massage? Scrubs, name tag for...
  3. Digital/ Hardcover Books

    Maybe try purchasing one e-book and then a few physical books and see which you prefer. I use both, personally. For instance, I have physical ATI books but I love the digital versions because it makes remediation for every proctored exam so easy plus...
  4. Finishing Nursing School w/ Depression

    All totally normal. Just remember, this is a sacrifice you are making in the short term that will pay off in the long term. It's an investment really, and he payoff happens when you finally graduate and pass your boards and start working in a place y...
  5. Happy Valentine's Day!!

    Happy Valentine's Day!! I’m happy as can be that my wedding invitations arrived yesterday! I’m scurrying to get them all ready to mail out tomorrow. I originally intended to DIY my invitations. I had a killer design but decided I’d rather save it fo...
  6. Gear for new (overnight) LTC nurse?

    What makes my job easier is a good clipboard (plastic so I can clean it), pocket planner such as and a well organized report sheet that has everything I want at a glance. The two things you need ...
  7. Recording Lectures?

    I'm focusing on staying organized and keeping up the readings. For note taking I'm in love with my Five Star Flex 1.5 inch Hybrid NoteBinder. True to its description being "like a notebook and works like a binder" I've used it my first week for each ...
  8. What pocket guides does everyone use?

    Make your own. Get a little book like notepad (nonspiral bound like and write down the tricks of the trade (how to prep meds, what people call things, equipment for procedures, nece...
  9. Patient Sitter Interview

    One of the most important things you can do to prepare for your first interview is to know yourself: Why did you choose a career in nursing? What do you like most and least about it? Where do you see yourself in the future? How do you usually handle...
  10. Will green skin hurt my career?

    I to tend to purple, I saw so gorgeous ideas of hairstylezz I have a friend who works for a big bank and has worked there for years and she changes her hair color and style almost every month, and I'm not talking tame styles/color . No matter how f...
  11. Long hair unrestrained at work

    How you present yourself to the world is how most people perceive you. Once I had an ER doctor who wore dreadlocks and immediately I made the assumption that she wasn't cut from the same cloth as many of her colleagues. I was right, and as it turned ...
  12. Are hair accessories unprofessional?

    I used to work at a pediatric office prior to working in the hospital and one day, when my "big girl scrub" were all in the laundry, I had to wear my Mr. Potato Head scrub top. That top made more patients smile than anything else, especially the elde...
  13. Gel polish

    Each hospital has their own regs and standards. Some won't allow a nurse to wear anything, while others will. But [personally I think If you are part of any kind of patient care at all (housekeepers, aides, lab, radiology, therapy, etc.), our town h...
  14. My hair is dyed.. Job interview

    I just googled Fuchsia and found that it last trend 2017 By the way my sister has navy blue hair for a while last summer. She also has an asymmetrical cut, and the sides of her head shaved, with a...
  15. The Blue Hair Nurse

    Just saw I like colors, I like rainbow hair but just look on I saw really gorgeous variants in neway look But now it's going with me ! My mentor has pink stripes in her hair. I can't image it will be too much of an issue, but might vary trust to t...
  16. Unconventional hair colors

    When I was a teen I had my hair coloured a dark sort of aubergine, not an electric purple or anything but definitely not natural either. I loved it while it was still fresh but it took ages to grow out completely and it clearly damaged my hair so I w...
  17. Black Hairstyles

    I'm not a fan of braids, but I like natural hair. I saw a girl competing with super super short natural hair and she was gorgeous, like I guess cutting it that short isn't for everyone.

    As far as a running shoe, training shoe, or casual shoe Nike trainers is my favorite Trainers are made of breathable mesh material. I find that it makes them much cooler than all leather....
  19. Essay to get into nursing program

    I used tips from when I wrote my essay. Emphasis the effort you will put into homework and practice activities. The responsibility you feel towards doing your best so that upon completion of the program you'll be able to offer your employ...
  20. I will not lie, nursing school is hard and is a whole different ballgame.It is a LOT of work, a LOT of reading, but it's alll there for a reason. The best advice I can give you is to be as prepared as you possibly can (do your reading, use outside re...
  21. Gold Watches and Nursing?

    sadly, a lot of nurses these days where those cheap rubbery looking quartzy purple things you can grab on eBay. I like the idea of buying a special one, what would began to enjoy and appreciate nicer watches. Two doctors from our clinic wear Breitlin...
  22. Nursing School entrance Essay

    When writing content for your essay, you need to pour in your heart on it. Write not because you want to impress them, but write so they would know you even further. Writing an entrance paper is really challenging. This source that could will guide ...
  23. Can I apply to a regular BSN having another bachelor's?

    Yes there are accelerated BSN programs for student with bachelor's degree. The program is very intensive and you can finish in a year. However, you still must meet the specific nursing program's requirements (so you should be looking)
  24. I wanted note same . You can add in the first paragraph "Despite the fact I started my career in medicine in field of health care I have cultivated a genuine desire in the aspect of licensed practical nurse while and after my training" or something...
  25. African American Hair Problems in Nursing

    I didn't read all topic but can appeal this Act: in addition, hairstyles that can be pulled up or tied back don't appear to present problems with infection control.There are 2 nurses in my clinic with twist braids like 55 Dazzling Senegalese Twist ...