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All Content by kaycee

  1. Nicely done arby.
  2. When the little old lady brings not only a book with her entire medical hx as previously stated but a week of polaroid pictures of her shyt laying in the toilet. She wanted to show the Dr. how different it was every day.(at least she didn't actually...
  3. *#&$(#(#))$))#)#*%**##*(# (peeved)

    Like you I don't like to write people up either. BUT this guy needed it bad and I think I would follow it up with a little call to the manager of the ER, and the charge nurse in the ER that night. Just the comment about "she's only a pt from a nursi...
  4. pain management

    and on and on and on !!!!!!
  5. Well the Lawsuit has been settled...

    Good job Zoe. Glad you stood up against him. I know a surgeon just like him. In a rage he hit an nurse in the head with an OR light. She was significantly injured. She sued also but I don't know the outcome. Unfortunately he's still operating a...
  6. My husband died Nov 8th

    {{{{{Linda}}}}} so sorry, you are in my thoughts.
  7. ER Tech job

    We call all of our ER Docs by their first names except in front of patients. You may feel more comfotable doing that after you're there a while and know them better. It's always best to ask how you should address co-workers first. I don't know any...
  8. Advice pleez

    What is her reason for not allowing the transfers? I think the only way they can't release you is if there is a staffing crisis. If this isn't the case talk to her first and ask why she won't put the transfer through. If you don't get anywhere, go o...
  9. Years ago I was taking care of a very elderly lady in CCU who was not really with it. Her family claimed she had on a very expensive pair of diamond earrings that were family heirlooms. They accused me and another nurse of stealing them. They wen...
  10. triage sheets

    Our triage assessment is 3 pages, so you don't want to know.
  11. Atkins Diet

    I have been doing the Atkins diet for 5 weeks now and have lost over 15#. also lots of inches. Clothes fit that I haven't worn in a long time, I feel great. I want to lose around 30#. I had a hip replacement in July and want to keep this new joint f...
  12. What keeps you at your job???

    One kid in college and another soon to be there.
  13. Greetings

    No special license to work in a trauma center but in the ER you will need ACLS(advanced cardiac life supprt), PALS(advanced pediatric life support), ATLS(advanced trauma life support) and there are othersl like CATN(course in advanced trauma nursing)...
  14. would you do this if you won the lottery

    I would retire
  15. would you do this if you won the lottery

    I would retire
  16. hello

    Hello and welcome! Best wishes to you in school. Feel free to post and let us get to know you.
  17. hello

    Hello and welcome! Best wishes to you in school. Feel free to post and let us get to know you.
  18. Jobs for those failing NCLEX??

    The folks where I work who were waiting to retake boards could work as CNA's or ER techs until they passed.
  19. We have a dispenser in every treatment room in our ER. It'sfoam not gel so it doesn't clog. I also thought it would be drying and rough on your hands but it's not.
  20. what about DO's?

    One of my favorite ER docs is a DO and he's great. He can crack a back or neck like nobody can. The pt's and staff all love him. My PCP is also a DO and is extremely competent and well thought of by all. In fact a lot of MD's use him as their PCP.
  21. Nurses Forever!!!

    can you explain a little please??
  22. Dilaudid Question

    2mg has been max for me as a one time dose for pain control. However I have closely followed that dose in increments of 1mg until pain was controlled or the pt was zonked.
  23. Please!! I need your input on ER Pyxis question

    We do the same as canoehead.
  24. New here....

    welcome lilshamrock, glad to have you aboard. I've been a nurese for going on 28yrs, last 20 in the ER. Feel free to pm me with any questions.
  25. I am so hurt

    My thoughts exactly. I'm sorry this happened to you , keep posting and ignore the "COWARD". {{{{{renerian}}}}}