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  1. Spring 2017 MANE programs

    Where is it posted?
  2. Spring 2017 MANE programs

    Hi guys! Congratulations to everyone. I'm in too
  3. Spring 2017 MANE programs

    I know what you mean! I'm really hoping the letters come on Saturday too, but knowing my luck, it'll be sometime next week. I'm not sure about going into the school, I've never thought of that! Let me know if you find anything out about that, I'm cur...
  4. Spring 2017 MANE programs

    Ahhh me too! I'm so excited. This wait is killing me haha. I just want to know!
  5. Spring 2017 MANE programs

    That's what I've heard as well. And I'm so nervous too! I've been working on getting in for so long that I feel like it'll never happen! But I hope we all get in too. 20 more days and we should know.
  6. Spring 2017 MANE programs

    Don't be nervous! People with upper 10's got in the last round as far as I know. It's so hard to wait to find out. Good luck to you!
  7. Spring 2017 MANE programs

    Hey everyone! I applied to only NHCC, with a score of 12. I can't wait to get an answer. The wait is killing me!
  8. MANE Spring 2017

    Hi everyone! I've been looking out for a post regarding the spring 2017 start! I've applied to North Hennepin with a composite score of 12. Waiting anxiously my letter (even though we're still 2 months out). Good luck to everyone. I look forward to ...