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All Content by decarla1

  1. Tryin something new

    I'm wondering if I should make a study guide using the mometrix and the ATI book. I know everything that is going to be on the test; so just make those questions the headline and then answer them and then study off of all the sheets of papers that I ...
  2. Tryin something new

    Found it. Thx.
  3. Tryin something new

    How??? I dnt come on much n dnt know how to do anything here
  4. CPCC Spring 2017

  5. Teas V anxiety

    I postponed my test and have until july31 ((deadline)) im going hard until june 25th then schedule. I was soooo nervous so wen I tried to do a simple math prblm I froze so no lol had to pause. GOOD LUCK FOR U"!!!!
  6. Teas V anxiety

    I have been studying to take the Teas V since Nov 2015 n its been off and on due to setbacks and deaths. Now im scheduled for it this weekend and I am stomped 😳😳😳 nervous n mind on shutdowm mode. 😭😭😭😭 I did the practice exam and ...
  7. Teas V anxiety

    I have the ati book, the mcgraw books too. Is there another practice test?? I recently rushed thru the ati form A practice test n after every ques it gave rationales which didnt help with score keeping not to mention I was done 2hrs 15mins smh ☺☺
  8. CPCC Nursing Fall 2016

    How did you go about with your studies?? Congrats on scores
  9. CPCC Nursing Fall 2016

    sound like like ur going to be in. What methods did you take to study??
  10. CPCC Spring 2017

    How did you do?? Im trying to get in for the same semester.
  11. Central Piedmont CPCC A&P online classes

    How did you do with the class?