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All Content by Firebabe26

  1. Leaving Bedside Nursing

    This is sad. Yes, bedside nursing is tough. It not for the faint of heart. Yes, there are difficult patients. The saddest part of it all is your work place. I'm here to tell you there are institutions that do not treat nurses like that. I work a very...
  2. Refusing to change/toilet pts

    I have conquered this on my floor. We had an RN who would come out of the room after doing her initial assessment and find the CNA to toilet a patient. Not cool. On our floor, we are now rated based on call lights -how long they ring and if they go i...
  3. Nursing, Hurricanes, and Floods.

    As a ff/medic for more than 20 years before becoming a nurse, I will tell you. Prep NOW. FEMA website and American red Cross are 2 places to start. Do not count on the government to help for the first 3 days to 1 week. (It takes that long to have sea...
  4. Can I ask to work exclusively day shifts?

    Really? Sorry, but as a single mom of a special needs child, I don't feel sorry for you. I work nights so I'm paying my dues for a day shift position. As far as " no support system" that is a crock. It has taken me years, but I have back ups to my ba...
  5. I think I want to quit nursing...

    First of all, I am concerned on the comments in the last paragraph. If you are thinking about hurting yourself, please go to employee assistance or the ER! Same for your friend. Nothing is worth hurting yourself over. Secondly, put down the basebal...
  6. Calling in for no sleep

    Our Board of nursing in the state I work in states that a nurse MUST have 8hrs off between shifts. We can request to do a double or whatever, but we cannot be required to do so. Having had a nurse get killed in an auto accident after being mandated t...
  7. Bad situation and mad coworker? What could I have done?

    I would go one better with this oncoming nurse. This is a form of bullying. You are not inadequate. You did the best you could. Both this nurse and HER charge nurse need to be called out for this bullying. You don't need this hostile work environment...
  8. Being called in to work extra.. ALL. THE. TIME!

    Our unit council requested and received parameters for our staffing office. If we are on nights, they are not allowed to call between 9am and 4pm on the days when we have worked the night before. No calls, texts, etc. It is our sleeping time. I alwa...