Feelgood RN

Feelgood RN

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All Content by Feelgood RN

  1. Nursing Arrogance

    I'm going to find some more of these posts. It's long past lunch and I'm hungry. Cookies sound wonderful! I'll grab some fluffy bunny posts...mmm...bunny.
  2. Please Don't Judge Patients

    While prejudice and judgment are similar they are not the same. Prejudice is almost like a stereotype about something you've never seen in your lifetime. Like Unicorns are girly and poop ice cream. You have no reason or actual experience with the sub...
  3. Do women find male nurses attractive?

    Works the floor below you..... I bet he does!!! Sorry gotta have some fun!
  4. Is the Baby Boomer Generation not going to get good care?

    I don't deny that there are a disproportionate amount of elderly in assisted living or LTC that are being fully taken care by our tax money. And as is expected of indigent population they are going to rely on what they've always relied on, the govern...
  5. Is the Baby Boomer Generation not going to get good care?

    This has less to do with wanting to "Live like my thirties and pop ma' pills" and more about cost. Assisted living/month: National average ~3500 LTC living/month: Semi Private 6400, Private 7000 Costs vary greatly by state: Assisted Living Costs: Fa...
  6. Flu Shot or Mask?

    I couldn't find anything on a 100% crew Boston, but I was able to find a CDC article that had a crew on a small naval ship and 99% compliance which I think they may have been talking about. It's in my last post.
  7. Flu Shot or Mask?

    LOL. Come on mrl3fnp I know you can Google, but here: http://www.employmentlawalliance.com/Templates/media/files/Canadian%20Overview%20--%20Distinctions%20Between%20US%20and%20Canadian%20Labor%20and%20Employment%20Law%20-%209-3-13.pdf In case you don...
  8. Flu Shot or Mask?

    There are many conspiracy theories out there, if this is one you want to follow and choose to fight against that's great, like I've stated before everyone should and has the right to choose their fights. A couple points I'd like to make though. The o...
  9. Forged Doctor's Note

    I would like to commend you Amethya on noticing the forgery and doing something about it. I remember a long time ago a friend of mine used to forge their own physicals because they couldn't afford them. Either no one noticed or cared about it. Thanks...
  10. Preventing call-ins

    I didn't read many of these replies but the ones I did about policy is probably the best. If you have staff that are willing to talk to you ask why they think people are calling out. Is it because previous management didn't care or because previous m...
  11. Flu Shot or Mask?

    Ah man I love studies, especially ones where there are so many variables that it's pretty much a guessing game and you can say whatever you want with the numbers because....like I said, guessing game. That article states it would take 6k-32k HCW gett...
  12. Making 100k salary/ income as a nurse?

    Thanks Flatline! I just assumed it was flat once you crossed the threshold. I've never done my taxes as my Mother works payroll and can do them in no time flat so I'd never bothered to look into it. I digress on the tax information :) and accept thi...
  13. Flu Shot or Mask?

    I've been working for going on 9 months so I consider myself a new nurse still, but new does not mean young > I have been blessed/cursed with the ability to see arguments of both sides and being able to judge with minimal bias. My wife hates it es...
  14. Making 100k salary/ income as a nurse?

    I've been a nurse for going on 9 months and like many people said it's all about where you work. I was able to get into a management position at about 85k/yr with extremely good benefits and retirement. So it all depends on where you live and what y...
  15. Flu Shot or Mask?

    So I've read many of these replies, but not all. I will admit to being a new nurse still. I cannot figure out where all this sepsis is coming from? Is it from the vaccine? Is it from getting the vaccination? Is it because people are getting the flu a...
  16. New Nurse Manager

    Seems like just yesterday I was posting how my first Patient passed away...now I'm here! I was just looking for some advice on good organizations to join as a nursing manager. I haven't been part of organizations on a regular basis, mostly just honor...
  17. New Nurse Manager

    Thank you Beth and Klone, I'll look into them :)
  18. Did you choose nursing because it was your "calling"?

    I wouldn't say that I even had an idea of nursing as a "calling" when I decided to start. I was taking classes for computer sciences and discovered my friends that had finished had a hard time finding jobs. I did some research and found that nursing ...
  19. Who Should Clean Up, Offgoing Shift or Oncoming Shift?

    Ester: SUSAN CLEAN UP YOUR MESS!! Susan: Billy made it he should clean it up Ester: MOM SUSAN WON'T CLEAN UP THE MESS IN OUR ROOM Susan: Billy made the mess he should clean it up Mom: Billy is my precious angel and he doesn't clean up anything so fig...
  20. Do you still have energy to cook after a 12 hour shift?

    Our shifts are 12 hr 5 on 5 off 2 on 2 off. I usually have the energy to cook something, but I don't usually find the willpower to do so. Cereal and fruit or whatever else I can find and convince myself is healthy to eat is suitable at the end of th...
  21. Husband became a RN

    This is the reason men have, for the majority of the civilized age, had higher suicide rates than women. These are the problems you put up with when you are the sole bread winner for your family. Whether or not your spouse has said that the will get ...
  22. Nursing Informatics

    I've been looking at taking my education to the next level. Before becoming a nurse I was pursuing a job in computer science and hardware and have always been invested in computer information. Since starting as a nurse I've noticed the HUGE gap in i...
  23. Nursing Informatics

    Guess if I had taken 2 more seconds to scroll down I would have seen this in the specialists >
  24. 40 yr old with GED. Is a MSN even possible?

    I haven't read any of the comments, just your OP. In my cohort there was a man that was 51. The oldest one of our group, but did that man do work! I don't know whether he had his GED or a diploma from HS but it didn't matter, he put in the time, st...
  25. Taking clothes off for a head to toe assessment

    You want to talk about body conscious; try being an overweight late 20's male in a cohort of 18-early 20's females!!! I've found that most places are pretty respectful of people and their bodies, either by letting you go over clothes for practice or...