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All Content by cirqul8r

  1. OR in the basement?

    Just curious... how many of you work in an OR that is in the basement if your hospital? City only for response. I do, and wonder how often this is done. Thanks in advance!
  2. OR in the basement?

    Oh my, the sub-basement?! The basement is bad enough.
  3. Tell on yourself, if you dare...

    There ARE dumb questions... during an abdominal hyst, I was documenting the preop diagnosis and it included 'undesired fertility'. So I asked the surgeon "are we tying her tubes, too?" Silence. "Sure, just as soon as I get her uterus out."
  4. Orders from hell...

    My favorite is from nursing school, back in the 80's... Transderm Nitro p.o. Q am. Transferred to the MAR by staff for the last two weeks... they told me "just put it on him, we know that's not the way to give it." Great way to teach a student. ...
  5. What was the REAL reason you called off

    Oh, as far as unreasonable employers when you call in... my daughter (she was assistant manager at a convenience store) was asked to come in around midnight during a heavy snow storm. Well, she wound up with her car in the ditch about a half-mile fr...
  6. What was the REAL reason you called off

    I have called in "with a migraine" for a mental health day or two... not truly a lie, my brain hurt! And, thankfully having pet-loving managers, called in because my dog died (2 different dogs). When hubby and and I used to go snow skiing, he aske...
  7. At the start of school, I wanted to do L&D or newborn nursery (the healthy ones). But that was when hospitals were starting mother/baby care (centuries ago), and I didn't have any desire to take care of postpartum moms... they cried more than th...
  8. songs that describe the work day

    "Let It Go", "They're Coming to Take Me Away", "If I Only Had a Brain" (sometimes about me, more often a co-worker), and of course, The Beach Boys' "I Wanna Go Home"
  9. Corresponding with an inmate?

    This isn't nursing related, so it may not even get a posting. But I am a nurse, so maybe? anyway, a good friend of mine has asked me to write to her son, who has recently become a "guest" at a prison in another state. My question is this: is it sa...
  10. Corresponding with an inmate?

    She says he's feeling down and alone (duh!). If I do it, it would be a favor to her.
  11. WILTW 9/13: Social Calls and Social Justice

    Ahh, thanks for the education. Never knew that had a name...
  12. C SECTION abdominal ski prep

    I was taught to use a circular motion, incision site outwards ( think more of a tight spiral). But that makes it near impossible when cleaning the thighs. I believe side to side works better there, from top of thigh down towards knees. Same ration...
  13. WILTW 9/13: Social Calls and Social Justice

    Ok, ladies, going to show my stupidity... What IS "swamp butt"? Not around kids or teens anymore....
  14. WILTW 9/13: Social Calls and Social Justice

    PixieRose, don't feel bad. At least she knew there was somethinsg important about that day! I haven't forgotten my kids' days yet, but I did tell my son "happy 25th" on his 26th birthday....
  15. Is this my fault? Am I right to feel mad?

    No, you're not stupid. You're new. Yes, you'll forget things (heck, after almost 30 years I forget things). As long as you don't keep repeating the same mistakes (or forgetting the same things) you'll be okay. You are still learning. Sounds like s...
  16. Nurses with eating disorders?

    I don't think I have an eating disorder, just naturally slender. I don't exercise or restrict calories, but I also don't overeat. My BMI is 20, and I work on not losing weight. But I'm getting tired of coworkers commenting on how skinny I am. Espe...
  17. What I learned this week... That a 15-week spontaneous ab fetus has tiny perfectly formed body parts... And that I can detach my brain into clinical mode when doing the d&c for it. (Warning...following statement is graphic: really helpful when ...
  18. Swedish Hospital

    Swedish Edmonds is pretty busy. Beds have been full most of the summer so far. Mostly decent doc's (at least the surgeons). It's a union hospital, and a closed shop so you'll have to join. You can look up the contract on the web si...
  19. It was probably Versed. Wonderful drug, especially for those little ones. The are so funny when it hits! Makes it so much easier to take them away from mom and dad. Sometimes I think some of the parents need it, too; some cry more than their kiddo...
  20. Contractor (Nurse)??

    Depends. Some agencies take taxes out before they pay you.
  21. Favorite sayings?

    If the pt seems to have a sense of humor, I tell them "I won't let you fall. Too much paperwork to fill out if you do!"
  22. Please help!! Need help with math problem

    It depends on how fast the west-bound train was going and when it passed the east-bound train. Btw, I got 1.2mg
  23. What annoys you most in your daily tasks?

    Answering pagers and phone calls for the surgeons. Some find it amusing to have me search their waistline to find it under their gown. And having to deal with those calls while I'm supposed to also be charting, opening supplies and implants, trying ...
  24. Skin Alterations from Positioning

    I work in the OR, so here's my viewpoint: Skin condition, pre and post op, are generally AORN required items to address in charting. Important enough that, at least in our version of EPIC, we can't sign off the chart unless it has been addressed. A...
  25. Test anxiety can really bring down her grades and increase anxiety. Maybe talking to a counselor at school or seeing if there is a student help department. My daughter had problems with math anxiety and especially the tests, she went to a center at...