What is the definition of external catheter length? I would think it means from insertion site to hub of the Picc. Does the length of the catheter from insertion site to the IV connection ever need...
Inquisitive one replied to VtMaleNurse's topic in General Nursing
In Massachusetts LTC'S a RN can pronounce death and CPR can be withheld in a person who is a full code provided certain criteria are met: decapitation, decomposition, rigor mortis, dependent lividity....
My DPH survey manual is about 5 years old but there is a section under Medication Errors, F332 and F333 that talks about med errors with enteral formulas and enteral formulas with dilantin...
Your welcome. Sometimes free water is ordered in between feedings so you may want to include that. Also there is one medication, Tegretol or Dilantin I believe, which the TF needs to be held for a...
Just a few things off the top of my head. You may want to add residual checked, amount of residual, MD orders to hold TF for whatever time presecribed if residual is greater than____ (whatever the...
Inquisitive one replied to KansasFNP's topic in General Nursing
The nursing process which drives the careplan can be applied to any life situation/problem. It can be used for personal long and short goals. I haven't used it formally as in a written plan for myself...
Inquisitive one replied to shrtygrlash's topic in Ob/Gyn
So, think a bit further. You got what witch hazel does, the end result, but how does it do this? What's the body's physiological response to get relief? This may get you started but I know...
I have a coworker that will be interviewing for a staff development/infection control position with the company we work for (long term care). We are trying to practice interview questions to prepare...
Inquisitive one replied to bluegeegoo2's topic in Geriatric, LTC
Perhaps this link will help you. It's the 2004 CMS guidelines regarding presssure ulcers. I don't know if there is a more recent update. Pagse 19-20 go over staging....
Inquisitive one replied to Michigan's topic in General Nursing
You could mix mineral oil and alcohol free mouth wash 1:1 ratio and swab with toothette every 2 hours. Sometimes we add hydrogen peroxide in the same ratio. There's a product called OASIS that I...
Just wondering if there are LTC RN/LPN nurse managers out there who are classified as exempt (salaried) employees? How does this status work in your facility? (regarding holidays (worked/not...