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All Content by Kwality

  1. Why aren't MA's licensed?

    This is not a Certified Nursing Assistant vs Medical Assistant thread. I was just reading the differnces and similarities between a CNA and a MA. I'm trying to understand how CNA's are licensed ( take blood pressure) but a MA is not licensed to ...
  2. DH dying-need prayers

    Happy to hear things are looking up for the two of you.
  3. What's the weirdest baby name?

    Makavelli and Dartanyun
  4. opinions about epidurals

    My first pregnancy I went through natural childbirth, but that was because I had been in active labor so long I couldn't have an epidural. My second was a C-section, so I did get one and I was so glad that I did. I wanted to have her natural but af...
  5. DH dying-need prayers

    :yelclap: You are a definately an inspiration! Happy to hear about the interview, still thinking about you and your dd.
  6. Confused... Need some advice

    From what I've been reading, it will be difficult to go to school full time and work, but it can be done. I guess it just depends on what your priorities are and what your situation is at home, (ie family). Will your finances be stretched if you we...
  7. I got fired. Now what?!?!?!

    Are you going to look for employment or just wonder what went wrong? Unless you plan on filing a greivance with them, I won't sit pondering their loss.:wink2:
  8. Will Nursing always be HOT?

    Whether people think nursing is "hot" really doesn't matter, but there will always be someone who is sick and in need of care from a nurse. :)
  9. Had that been me, I would have to find this person and it just would not be nice. I'd have to ask them is this how you would like to find out about your mother's death? Talk about sympathy.
  10. Sociology Question

    I watch for news and Law and Order. If needed, I could do without it.
  11. What would you do?

    Just from reading this, it looks as if she would come under fire, not him, she signed his name. You can't assume he told her to. He's not there. Girlfriend or not, she's being dishonest.
  12. DH dying-need prayers

    Happy to hear you're still hanging in there! :icon_hug:
  13. Which would you choose?

    Hello all! I have a small conflict that I would like suggestions on. I have 3 options of ways to get started in nursing. I have a financial aid appointment tomorrow (loan) and I need to make up my mind today! Option #1 - Start a CNA class for 6 w...
  14. Which would you choose?

    You're probably right about going to a public college or university. It's tempting to go to the private college only because I wouldn't have to take pre-req's before starting the program. Then, the price is steep. I'm still looking at the CNA rout...
  15. Which would you choose?

    I went to my financial aid appointment yesterday, and it turns out that even with the sub and unsubsidized loans, if I qualify for, that I would still have a balance of $4,000 left if I take the Medical Assistant program that have to be paid during t...
  16. Which would you choose?

    I'm not a nursing student, so the Patient Tech route really doesn't apply. Looking long term though, this would be a great investment and I do want to be a nurse. I think there is a six month deferment on the loan after graduation, so that's good.
  17. Which would you choose?

    The time I have, because I'm a stay-at-home mom. The money is what's missing :chuckle. That's why I'm going to have to get a loan. I used my grant money to get my BA 5 years ago. I must agree with you about the LPN. The more I think about it, th...
  18. Nursing School Program advice.

    Did you ask about tutoring assistance maybe to help bring up your GPA with classes? Or, speak to another rep, because I've learned not to just rest all my hopes upon one individual. Someone there has knowledge of how to help you get into this prog...
  19. DH dying-need prayers

    :icon_hug: for all that you are going through.
  20. Why aren't MA's licensed?

    Thank you for the clarification. I didn't read it clearly. Sorry for the incorrect wording. :smackingf
  21. New Student needing some serious advice

    Is your mother available to keep the kids? Do you have a church home? If so, they could probably help find a sitter. Are you close with any of your neighbors? The Naval base may have some references for sitters.
  22. Age when you had your first child?

    I was 24. Start a family when you are ready.
  23. DH dying-need prayers

    We're a cyberfamily! :) That's what family is for, to be there for each other even online. You will not be forgotten. :loveya:
  24. DH dying-need prayers

    Thank you for allowing me to be a "distant friend". I pray for comfort for you and your family. He fought the good fight, now he's at rest.
  25. DH dying-need prayers

    We know that God is the Great Physician, no matter what they think. However it turns out, He is still God. During all of this, try to take some time for a deep breath. I know it's only you and you have to because it's only you. I hope you can get...