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About Fancychicken

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  1. New grad resume - help please!

    Thank you so much for your advice!
  2. New grad resume - help please!

    Hello, I just graduated from an ADN program and am studying furiously in preparation for the NCLEX. I am trying to put together a resume and have several questions. 1. Should I include work history that is 18+ years old? (I have been a homemaker fo...
  3. Post-Orientation Doubts

    Hi everyone! I just attended my community college nursing program orientation. I have been planning and preparing for this program for years, so I was really excited to have the privilege to attend. It was a little bit disappointing in terms of infor...
  4. Congratulations! It's so fun to start checking off those requirements one by one. I just signed up for my CPR class, too. So exciting! I'm trying to enjoy the summer and rest up during the calm before the storm. Best of luck to you!
  5. Mom-guilt Over Schedule

    Unfortunately, my family is not nearby. I do have a lot of friends, but most of them have kids with complicated activity schedules to coordinate themselves. I know it's just one of those things we all have to balance, but it sure is hard sometimes. S...
  6. Mom-guilt Over Schedule

    Ok, just writing this in hopes that I am not the only one. I have three preteen/teenage children whom I have homeschooled for the past 7 years, while picking away at pre-reqs. Well, I got accepted into the nursing program for this fall, and everythin...
  7. Nursing school

    I got the official TEAS study guide and spent a solid month going through it carefully. I was able to get it used for $25 from someone locally. (I think they are $50 from ATI website). Anyway, I found it extremely helpful and ended up getting a 94 on...
  8. Anatomy and Physiology

    For A&P, I always liked to read each chapter twice. The first time through, it was always a bit of a struggle as I tripped over unfamiliar terminology. I tried not to get too bogged down by it, though. The goal was to skim for the general idea, a...
  9. Are You Where You Thought You'd Be?

    Hello, I'm currently heading into my first semester of nursing school (ADN/BSN). A lot of people have been asking me where I hope to end up working, or if I would pursue further specialization. Honestly, I'm not really sure at this point. I have alw...
  10. Microbiology with Nursing 101??

    Congrats on getting into your program! That sounds like a really tough fall schedule. Of course it would be ideal if you could take microbiology before nursing school starts, but you do what you have to do. I haven't started my nursing program yet (I...
  11. Mutualistic Symbiotic Relationships in Nursing School

    Thank you for sharing your experience! I am hoping I can have something similar. For my micro class, my lab partner ended up dropping right away. The instructor was adamant that there be no more than two students at a table, so he didn't want me to j...
  12. How to manage science classes

    At my school, we were required to take chem, bio, A&P, & A&P 2 in sequence. They were each prerequisites for the one that came later. So, it took me four semesters to do them. Chemistry is one of those subjects that some people seem to li...
  13. I was wondering if anyone out there has had success in finding a study group or maybe just one other person to help each other with weaknesses? I'm thinking of an older movie, "Feds" where Rebecca DeMornay's character is an ex-marine training at the ...
  14. Going Back at 40 years old...

    I am 42 years old and just got accepted into a BSN program. I have been dreaming of this for so long, so I know what you mean when you say that you are "ready"! It's been a long time coming, so I know that even though it will be difficult, I will rel...
  15. Fall 2016 MANE Programs

    I got in at ARCC - Cambridge campus. So excited!! Looking forward to orientation.