Red Hat Momma

Red Hat Momma

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  1. Hospice and litigation question

    We use methadone in our LTC Special Care Unit, and our dosing is every 4 hours from 8 am to 8 pm and it workd wonders. As far as physicians and litigation, I've not heard of it, but in the past, state...
  2. Wrote a doctor up!!!

    First of all, thanks for taking up for our nursing home resident, next, thanks for keeping calm in the heat of battle. You go girl, keep reminding us who the true professional is, and keep us in the...
  3. What punishment should this nurse get?

    Yes, who has worked night shift that has not dozed or slept, let us hear from you. Yes it is a serious matter, a fireable offence, reportable to the BON. Who of us have slipped when charting at night...
  4. Nurse Salary Survey

    In our area, state surveyors start out at between 15-16 bucks an hour, lpn's 11 to 11 to 14, rn's 15 to 18. Ihave worked with some per diem nurses that make from18 to 31 an hour. They are mostly icu...
  5. Is 52 to old for starting nursing program

    [/url] Go for it girlfriend. Women are like a fine wine. We get better, not older. We can not only impart wisdom to our classmates, we provide even more to the people we take care of. All of your...
  6. Med errors

    :angryfire Something needs to be done, reasons explored,etc.,supervisor or DON to work with her. This may be a symptom of an even deeper