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All Content by Nurse-Arnold

  1. Dr. told patient, "Nurses are STUPID".

    You probably have found nurses to be boring because you're around them 24/7, and we tend to keep our conversation at a professional level as colleagues to get on with the program and get the job done. Frankly, of all the health care professionals, we...
  2. Dr. told patient, "Nurses are STUPID".

    I'm sure a Dr would know why the RN came in at 03h00 to administer medication, since he would have had to prescribe it in the first place. The PA is obviously still too wet behind the ears to appreciate the multiple functions of a nurse inclusive of ...
  3. Which Master's Degree?

    You don't sound very enthusiastic about nursing, and I wonder if change of career wouldn't be a better option?
  4. ICU RN considering moving to ER

    Your slight concern is understandable, but trust me you'll adjust well. ED staff are always prepared for all kinds of medical emergencies, and your critical care skills will come in handy. You'll find that you eventually get accustomed to caring for ...
  5. Nurse and MD relationships in the ED

    Well, I've worked with MDs with a wide range of personalities in my 18 years as an RN, and kind of agree that there isn't much time for petty issues or sarcasm in the ED. Pretty much I've had a great sense of professional appreciation in the ED and i...