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All Content by michellerod

  1. Utica St. Petersburg

    I would give you my number but I don't want to post it on the thread. Maybe once I get to the 15 posts I'll send it to you through the private message. So, are you all ready to go for tomorrow??
  2. Utica St. Petersburg

    The website is not letting me reply to your private message since I do not have 15 posts. I signed up last night because I found you on here haha.
  3. Utica St. Petersburg

    Awesome, nice to meet you as well! Ive checked everywhere for someone starting. So glad I found you haha. I am super excited and nervous at the same time! I cannot believe tomorrow we are starting school!
  4. Utica St. Petersburg

    Yes! Ive been trying to find someone that is starting with me. My name is Michelle.
  5. Utica St. Petersburg

    Hey Mkjohnson09, I seen you got accepted for the summer term. I was wondering if you are starting in summer.
  6. Utica College, St. Petersburg ABSN Fall 2015

    Hey Mkjohnson09, I was accepted to the summer program as well. Did you decide if you were going to Utica this summer?