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All Content by Lilfrankenstein

  1. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    I have a degree in respiratory therapy, yet am having a hard time finding a job. I am working as a cna, going on my 7th year and I was hoping rt would be my next step up....unfortunately it's not working that way and I am considering challenging the ...
  2. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    I'm curious where you see constructive criticism? Also, the only responses I spoke of myself were in just that....responses. so where I did reiterate that I am not fresh off the boat, I didn't say let's go over my entire life story. It's irrelevant....
  3. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    I didn't make my profile today. I've had this account since april, never used it except to read until I posted this question. I didn't touch any settings or fill out anything at all today whatsoever. And for the millionth time: going into detail abou...
  4. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    I didn't make my profile today. I've had this account since april, never used it except to read until I posted this question. I didn't touch any settings or fill out anything at all today whatsoever. And for the millionth time: going into detail abou...
  5. Anyone successfully challenge the boards? brought it but I'm going on and on? I remedied this by going back to the point of this post and asking you to share your method 3 experience...but you couldnt....because you have none. So here we are....again. because you brought ...
  6. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    You really jump to conclusions, don't you? I didn't go on and on. You call one post going on and on? Any subsequent post was in response to you....asking irrelevant question after irrelevant question and making assumptions. Now you are "going on and ...
  7. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    Also, what the hell would I be hiding?????? Lol!
  8. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    What are you talking about? I made it all about me? By posting a short, bland thread asking for people who have done this to share info? And then when people started asking irrelevant questions and taking everything I said out of context I reiterated...
  9. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    It's shady to ask people to share their experience with a licensure method??? Lol. The point of the post was just that. Do I need to word it differently? Streamline it maybe? Here: Has anyone challenged the CA boards via method 3? If so, please share...
  10. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    Well, you werent....because the topic of conversation wasn't even supposed to be me....the post was: I am considering challenging the boards via method 3. Has anyone successfully done this? What tips do you have? Lol!
  11. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    What are you talking about? I'm not even upset, I'm literally laughing. And again, I'm not interested in telling my life are going off topic. You were never ON topic lol. Of course I gave bland answers, I'm not interested in telling rand...
  12. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    Hahaha I'm not even pissed off lol. And how would back story help someone who is in another state and knows nothing about the topic? Why are you even responding? Lol
  13. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    My local hospital is 32 bed capacity total. Rt department never hires. I live 100 miles from the next nearest town in each direction. The nursing homes don't hire RTS and the hospitals are farther. I'm great at work. I'm great in interviews. I'm a t...
  14. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    I didn't ask if I was qualified, I know I am. There really isn't need to be questioning me. I simply asked for those who've done this to share their experience. So background isn't relevant because what does my background have to do with som...
  15. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    My post wasn't for you to grill me. No question was of any relevance to my post. Do you have a point? Or have you forgotten it? Because you can't seem to comprehend the purpose of the post and are acting as if you and I are supposed to be having a di...
  16. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    Right. As I previously stated, my work/title/education/location/color of my shirt or any other random question thrown at me is all irrelevant to the question I asked. I didn't state my life story for a reason, I wasn't asking anything to do with it, ...
  17. Anyone successfully challenge the boards? its not lol. That is repeating yourself, not a tantrum. You were drifting off topic. I was simply reiterating my origional point.
  18. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    Are you drunk?????? Lol! I'm not throwing any type of tantrum....hahaha. wow, you are very confused lol. If you want to comment, go ahead. You sound like you are seeking attention since you keep mentioning rules and mods and commenting "because you c...
  19. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    What on earth are you talking about???? I am in noooo way throwing any type of tantrum lol! Oh my gosh I am literally laughing out loud!
  20. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    "I am considering challenging the boards via method 3. Has anyone successfully done this? What tips do you have?" Simple lol
  21. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    You should spend less time judging text as "the way you act". You don't know how I act, you can't see me. You are reading text and taking it your own way and then turning it around on me. I'm completely calm, I'm not angry, I'm literally smiling and ...
  22. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    Right, and the reason I didn't disclose all of this information is that it has nothing to do with the question that I asked. Did you challenge the California board via method 3? No? Okay. End of discussion. Did you challenge the California board via ...
  23. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    What are you talking about? For one, I'm not angry at all lol. For two, I've received a few private messages so I am getting answers lol. And for three, why are you asking me questions on a post asking to hear about method 3 experiences? I didn't ask...
  24. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    My "story keeps changing" because this wasn't intended to be a story about my was a post asking for experiences people have had with method 3. So clearly I didn't post every detail of my work/life experiences. That is irrelevant to this po...
  25. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    Right, can you not recognize a figure of speech? To coach someone through something is not a negative thing. If I've seen it 10000000 times and it's their first time yes I can tell them they are doing it right. And my supervisor would send me into ro...