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All Content by Lilfrankenstein

  1. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    What experience did you have with California method 3?
  2. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    No, I didn't say I never worked as an RT. I said I was having a hard time finding a job. I started out in Nevada and then moved to California after I had a baby. There are no rt jobs even remotely in my area. That doesn't say I never worked as one, i...
  3. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    It does not pertain to the question at hand. The question was: had anyone successfully challenged the boards...share your experience. And how is it dangerous for a cna to tell an rn new grad "that's not the urethra....that's the clitoris. Seem danger...
  4. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    What question are you referring to? Because asking me why don't you move, why don't you do this, why not do this, does not give me any insight to method 3. You don't even live in california. You don't have knowledge of method 3. You don't have exper...
  5. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

  6. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    I never said I thought I was better than any are going your own way with that one. You are grilling me, asking questions that don't have to do with my post, and picking apart my answers all for the sake of arguing. You aren't contributi...
  7. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    I explained this earlier. I live remotely and the programs all have waiting lists that are at least 3 years. They won't allow me to take courses without being in the program and I don't want to wait 3 years to wait until a class is available. Also, I...
  8. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    Yes I have. I completed most of it but became a high risk pregnancy and had to drop. When my first child was one month old I decided I'd rather do RT and started RT school.
  9. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    I pick and choose because most of the content is irrelevant to me. Also, your opinion or belief is not in any way relevant to my situation. I don't even know why you are continually responding...I'm not sure what you think you're contributing?
  10. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    Also I'm not going to go back and find the post but to the person who asked what if I wanted to be an RN someday, just to clarify....not all lvn programs transfer credit. You get a license, but due to accreditation or the type of course your classes ...
  11. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    I stated I am in school for something else. And as far as the anatomy comment....I know....and after hearing screaming and crying from a room I discovered a new grad trying to push a catheter into an old woman's clitoris which was bleeding profusely ...
  12. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    I didn't say I couldn't land a job, I said I was having trouble finding them in my area. Also, my current employer approached me and asked me to challenge the boards. I've been offered a sign on bonus if I were to do so and pass. Which is how this po...
  13. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    If it were an option, it'd be done. It's not.
  14. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    Thank you!
  15. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    It's silly to me how set you are on trying to degrade me. And as far as relevancy goes my post was requesting for people with method 3 experience to share said experience. It was not asking for others to complain about it. But you must have missed th...
  16. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    A job title does not make me too dense to realize someone is making a mistake or needs Guidance. I have had to stop an RN from attempting to insert a catheter into a woman's clitoris. I have had to stop an MD student from trying to puncture a patient...
  17. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    Which is in no way helpful, necessary or relevant to this post....but thank you for voicing that you disagree with the BON. That's fine....but does nothing to answer any questions.
  18. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    I think some of you are confused. For one, this is legal. The board website has been posted, go read the requirements if you need a better understanding. For two, this post was not intended for you to say "you have a cna background? Ewww!" Or, "I'm ...
  19. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    Such as what? I have all the nursing prerequisites completed. I have many of the core classes completed. But because I don't have any classes entitled "nursing theory" I'm not qualified? I have coached new grad RNS through their tasks, I have had to ...
  20. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    Not when you consider situations like mine where I have a degree in Healthcare and have worked in it for years, taken many extremely (if not identical) courses, and have met requirements set by the state. It's not a brand new cna sitting to try their...
  21. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    A cna with certain experience or education background can qualify to test in California. It's called method 3. It's on the board website with all the information.
  22. Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

    I have two small children that I share custody of so no, relocation is not an option. This is why I am very disappointed that I am having a hard time using my degree here.