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All Content by Giingi

  1. Bellevue College 2015-2017 Nursing Hopefuls

    After applications for winter 2017 they switch to a new acceptence and application criteria. It requires 80 hours volunteering and professional refrences. From what it sounded like to be it is now a bit more about grades and experience then it was w...
  2. Bellevue College 2015-2017 Nursing Hopefuls

    Did anyone write a personal statemnet when applying. I am thinking about writting one but not sure it it would be effective.
  3. Bellevue College 2015-2017 Nursing Hopefuls

    Thank you!
  4. Bellevue College 2015-2017 Nursing Hopefuls

    So I am applying for winter, I got an 91.3 on my teas but only have a 3.37.... I am nervous. I have to take my compass e-write. Does anyone have any tips for taking that test.