Riley RN

Riley RN

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  1. C'Mon Now!

    Student comes in: "my friend was pretending to do CPR on me and now my chest really hurts and it's hard to breathe" Vitals all normal, student in no apparent distress....... Me: "when did this happen?" student: "a week ago" C'mon now..........
  2. Go to the nurse.

    "my gums are irritated" had this today - a 5th grader and there's always the completely nonexistent "nosebleeds" - I would like to call in a forensic analyst to detect a speck of blood anywhere on them
  3. C'Mon Now!

    School picture day I was just informed that the photographer has allowed EVERY child to use the same hairbrush before their photos. C'MON NOW!!!!!!!
  4. Infrared and/or No Touch Thermometers

    Bummer, I had a feeling they weren't very reliable. My Welch Allyn thermoscan 6000 - which I loved- didn't even last 18 months and it started giving me readings of 107 and up. Of course it's out of warranty by now and they can only offer to sell me a...
  5. Infrared and/or No Touch Thermometers

    I know thermometers have been discussed quite a bit on this forum, but does anyone use an infrared (or "no touch") thermometer and if so can you provide feedback on it and which brand you're using? Thanks in advance :)
  6. C'Mon Now!

    Sounds great!
  7. C'Mon Now!

    THIS!! How does one word this nicely? So much energy is wasted on the kids who have "nosebleeds" without a single drop of blood visible.....that and many other ridiculous complaints. How to deter this without offending?
  8. Wrist BP cuff anyone?

    I'm thinking of purchasing a wrist BP monitor for elementary school use. Does anyone currently use one and if so, do you recommend it? I'm also concerned that the wrist cuff may be too large for the little ones.
  9. making friends in 2018

    Happy New Year! I'm off to a good start with staff so far this year. Teaching Assistant brings kindergarten student in right off the bus and says "I think she has the flu". I say ok, what's going on? "Well she says she's achy all over". Student appea...
  10. C'Mon Now!

    Student walks in from outdoor recess and hands me her broken pink METAL zipper from her jacket. Sorry kid. Please tell your teaching assistant that I neglected to bring my welding equipment to work today
  11. Tips for....

    Are you in New York?
  12. So fevers don't count on field day

    Did he come to school today?
  13. C'Mon Now!

    Pet Peeve #17. Don't you love the kids that come in with a bleeding cuticle or tiny papercut and as you are preparing a band aid they say "My teacher told me to tell you to clean it first" Really? Gee thanks for that recommendation. Why don't you tel...
  14. Seasonal allergy saga........

    I feel for the kids with seasonal allergies, I really do, but some of the repeat visitors aren't even showing any outward signs or symptoms. I get to the point where I nicely say that I wish there was more that I could do to help and send them to cla...
  15. Seasonal allergy saga........

    This has probably come up before, but I have to ask: Does anyone have a good spiel for the kids who come in repeatedly in a day, who clearly are suffering from seasonal allergies BUT are on daily meds which are not providing enough relief. I'm talkin...