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All Content by nwdreaming

  1. Fall 2016 Nursing School Applicants

    Latecomer here...applied for Butler's ADN program - letters are supposed to go out early June so I still have a little wait. 🤗
  2. LOL Good tips!
  3. Is It Possible To Work During Nursing School?

    I'm hoping to get into an ADN program this fall. If I do, I have a couple grand saved but not enough to see me and my son through the 2 years. I'm planning to work part time and take out loans to supplement the rest. He is a toddler and I only get to...
  4. How I Passed the TEAS Exam

    I just took my TEAS-V on April 1st, 2016 and received a 91.3%. First off, the math section was harder than on the practice tests but the other 3 sections seemed easier to me than on the practice test. Definitely pay attention to the clock and just ge...