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  1. Pain shots are us, not this nurse!

    Thanks for reminding us all about the multiple tattoos. I always forget to take that into consideration when I choose to believe if a patient is in pain or not. ***the above is sarcasm*** As a...
  2. Pain shots are us, not this nurse!

    No. I think "enraged" is exactly what was meant. There were a myriad of other words or phrases the OP could have used (ticked, miffed...) and even went so far as to punctuate his/her "enraged" state...
  3. Pain shots are us, not this nurse!

    No, I'm not lying when I say I can't relate to someone else who becomes "enraged" at their
  4. Pain shots are us, not this nurse!

    No I've never been enraged by a patient. I only get enraged at other nurses who get angry when their patients want to be
  5. RN jobs drying up?

    I did know that jobs in those towns are traditionally hard to come by, but just 3 or 4 years ago, there were TONS of full-time nursing jobs in Durango, Steamboat Springs, Loveland, Boulder and Fort...
  6. RN jobs drying up?

    Holy Moly!!! I just spent a few hours looking for Full-Time jobs in CO that are in areas outside of Denver and there doesn't seem to be much available. Is it always like this? I've been looking in...
  7. New Grads - Rotten Shifts?

    29% differential!!! I'm getting screwed with my 15%! YUK! I'm
  8. Medical assistant??? Help please....

    My friend did per diem CNA work on weekend nights (Fri and Sat) and she made a little over $14.00. She worked at a
  9. Average age of people in nursing school?

    I know the average age of a new nurse is 31.5 years old, so I guess the average student age would be around 27 or 28, but that's my guess for all the programs. I do know the average new BSN grad is a...
  10. Unionized hospitals in Maine

    Maine State Nurses Association? geez, I haven't heard hide nor hair from them or of them-ever, so I'm guessing no clout. Now, the only hospital I can think of that has a nurses' union is Eastern...
  11. Medical assistant??? Help please....

    CNA training unsually lasts a few months 2 - 4 depending on the program... I think it can even be as short as 6 weeks... You will definitely be able to find work as a CNA. But if you're looking for...
  12. Nursing schools around Brunswick/Portland area?

    Yeah, I forgot to mention that UMA does use the University College at Bath-Brunswick's campus as a "distant site" for their nursing program, and yes, it does have a four year wait (I think the...
  13. Nursing schools around Brunswick/Portland area?

    About the residency... you might want to check, but as far as I know anyone in the military or their spouses are usually granted immediate residency wherever they move to because of the nature of...
  14. Community Colleges for Nursing

    A few hospitals will give $100 - $200/month loan payback the first year or two, but it nothing like it is out in AZ... Maine doesn't have the dire need for nurses like they do out your way. If I...
  15. Community Colleges for Nursing

    I thought I'd just give you a little heads up on SMCC... they are not taking any applications from out-of-state students for their nursing program. You must be a resident of Maine for one year before...