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About kayemaech

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  1. Yes, I think that would help answer a lot of questions! Another admitted student/friend emailed and the nursing department said there was a tour scheduled last Friday. I don't think that was...
  2. Hi everyone, I'm wondering if anyone from the 2015 cohort can talk about the labs and clinical studies a little bit more. I attended a few info sessions a while ago, but Mason's was so packed there...
  3. Found it,
  4. FYI, you have to click all the way through everything on the accepted students information page from your link and check a box that says "I accept" and click submit. I almost did not get there - so...
  5. Hi all, I am also accepted to the ABSN Fall 2016 Mason program and I'm scouring for more information - as you said above, there isn't much out there! I looked for the Facebook group above and couldn't...