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About ajnurse2b6

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  1. New grad RN pay in big city?

    Hi, I don't know about the northeast but I live in Chicago. New grads here make at least $30/hour base rate. When I started 2 years ago, my starting salary was $32/hour with a night shift differential...
  2. Thoughts on ABSN program in Chicago

    As a RN in Chicago I have worked with Resurrection students and many are smart and hard working. All nursing schools have their pros and cons. But it's a huge red flag that they have low NCLEX scores....
  3. NICU RN to Peds OR

    I don't work in the OR but you should apply& learn more in the interview! It sounds like you have many qualities, including your NICU experience, that would make you a fantastic peds OR nurse....
  4. Chicago Unionized Hospitals

    Hi! UChicago, UI Health, and Cook County are the unionized hospitals in Chicago I know
  5. Yes, UChicago has a nurse residency program. They do not have job postings that are specific to new grad nurses. If you are hired as a RN and you are a new grad, you will be automatically enrolled in...
  6. I like to know if the patient is on the call light often, if the family is challenging, and if they are a
  7. What's the best route to becoming a NP?

    Hi! It sounds like you are answering your own question here. You seem confident that you want to be a NP and want the most time efficient option. The best way to become a NP is to get your ABSN and...
  8. Chicago Nurse Residency programs

    Hi, there are lots of great hospitals in the Chicago area. The vast majority of Chicago hospitals won't hire you until you have passed NCLEX. If you graduate in May you will take NCLEX in June or...
  9. Made a mistake during orientation

    I'm sorry you are going through this! It is a very tough situation. First, everything will be okay. Take a deep breath. You are a new nurse. You made a mistake. The reality is that mistakes happen....
  10. Any info/advice for moving to Chicago?

    Hi! I think you will find many opportunities for RNs in Chicago and it's a great city to live in (I might be biased, I've lived here my whole life). As a new grad in Chicago, you can expect to make...
  11. Chances of getting into DE MSN program?

    Hi! I am a RN in the Chicago area. I did not complete a direct entry MSN program but I know people who went to all 3 schools. It sounds to me like you are well-spoken, passionate about the field of...
  12. HELP! New grad residency options

    Hi! It sounds like you've already made the decision! If you want to work days only choose job #1. If it's a non-negotiable, then it's non-negotiable. The extra money upfront won't be worth the...
  13. Job Decisions as a New Grad Nurse

    Hi, being a new graduate nurse is such an exciting and scary time. Especially right now in the time of covid, there is a lot of uncertainty. First things first, focus on studying and passing NCLEX....
  14. Hi! I'm a RN on a medical/ tele unit in Chicago turned covid unit. Are you a new grad? $31 per hour plus $4 for night differential is expected pay for a new grad in Chicago. If you have experience it...
  15. May 2020 Grad Job Search

    Hi! Yes, it's a difficult time to apply for jobs as a RN but there is still a great need for nurses. Try to stay focused and stay positive through the process, even when it gets hard. Don't settle for...