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All Content by studdent

  1. Trent University Compressed Nursing 2016

    Hi, Thank you so much for the reply. Yes, it does make me feel nervous when everywhere I check, it says the nursing course will be very hard. I do know that it is hard and I am willing to do whatever it takes to make it easy for me. Its always good t...
  2. Trent University Compressed Nursing 2016

    Thank you so much for your reply. It cleared lot of doubts and good to know that we can meet our profs anytime And, taking all courses in person better than online at trent? I think residence will be good to take so that we have lot of company and go...
  3. Trent University Compressed Nursing 2016

    Hi MelindaSJ and Anon101 How did you find first and second semester courses? Is it very difficult? Is there lot of dropouts? Which courses were toughest? Do you get lot of break between classes during the week to study the courses? Is there lot of wo...