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  1. I disagree. Being a nurse entails doing a lot of what CNAs do but there is a whole lot more critical thinking involved. I did not enjoy being a tech, but do love nursing
  2. Graduating soon, feeling unprepared

    I just sit down on the wheelchair myself and it opens up. I was woefully unprepared for my first nursing job, skill-wise. But after about a year I realized that I had a decent knowledge base. Nursing...
  3. I think it is still fresh and you are upset about it understandably. Get another day under your belt and you will feel better. The more successes you have the more you will be able to get past the...
  4. Needs to be reported to administration. Definitely promotes an unsafe environment for the patient to call nurses
  5. Help!!! Advice for Pedi-Homehealth Demanding MOM!

    You have gone above and beyond. I agree with the previous poster, time to move
  6. Help, Struggling

    Well, that's ridiculous for anyone to tell you that you will never work again. Get that out of your head. And I agree with the previous poster, 7 patients is a lot. Actually, 5 is a lot. 4 is ideal on...
  7. DVT interventions

    It's not sensitive or specific and also, eliciting the homans sign could potentially cause a clot to be
  8. DVT interventions

    Sounds appropriate to me. As long as you documented. I thought we weren't supposed to check homan's
  9. IV infiltrate

    Do you use pumps? Personally I do not wake patients to assess piv sites and none of the nurses I work with do either. Ivig infiltrate is no big deal, since it can be given sq anyway. Chemo is another...
  10. The ICU and Fatigue

    I've never done ICU so hat's off to you. However I do infusions in an outpatient center where we are the unit that does more drugs that pose risks for anaphylaxis. When I have an infusion reaction I...
  11. My Preceptor Let Me Drown

    She needs to be reported to the board. Her behavior towards patients is abusive, at the very
  12. OCN versus ONS chemo biotherapy certified

    would a radiation oncology nurse OCN be proficient to admin chemo? Probably
  13. IV Certification

    Never heard of such a thing for RNs. But each institution has their policies. We used to have a certification for phlebotomy but did away with that. I don't know how a class can really teach IV...
  14. Totally agree with vanilla bean. Soups reheat well and are very nourishing. Or leftover protein and a fresh salad. If I cook after a twelve hour shift it's just eggs. I'm usually exhausted and too...
  15. Sounds like a great deal if that's what you really want to do. I am am an old school nurse who thinks everyone should work in the hospital for two years but if case management is what you want to do...