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All Content by btcoonhound

  1. Im just getting started into blogging within the nursing subject. Ive been thinking about it and am a little hesitant to throw my name on things for fear of how it could reflect on prospective employment down the road. Has anyone had thoughts on that...
  2. How to stay awake during NOCs in PDN?

    Isometric exercises work wonderful in short spurts, also i like a website for listening to movies, I dont think im allowed to link it here, so just do a search for a site to listen to a movie, loads of tv and movie audio streaming, all perfectly lega...
  3. Can blogging hurt or harm your career

    I think the only negative I will be talking about is my initial reactions to the new technology used in education. The blackboard, my peak style interfaces the schools use were a bit of a shock after 20+ years away from college. The rest is intended ...
  4. Skeletal system

    I have been taking photos in lab and converting them into quizzes online. Some are matching, some fill in the blank, a little bit of everything. Ill study my core subject matter for 15 minutes or so, take a quiz, 10 minutes of studying, take a quiz. ...
  5. How Blogging Helped my Nursing Career

    I'm just getting started blogging my thoughts . More for a bit of relaxation than anything else. I figured It would be a good time to start, Im starting over. New Career, back in school at 40+ and lots to share. Thanks for the post, very inspirationa...
  6. went and applied for. nursing school

    so I've been looking to make a career change, i am looking to retire after 20+ years in emergency services. I previously attended this school in the early 90's and while i was not a great student, i wasn't horrible either. pretty much b's across the ...
  7. went and applied for. nursing school

    ill ask tomorrow, still nerve wracking and stressful. when i got hurt i even told my former adviser, im laying in a hospital bed and cant feel my legs, still a no go on the withdrawls... needles to say we had an intense heart to hear when i got back ...
  8. I've been accepted into nursing school!!!

    congratulations, im still waiting to hear yea or nay. going to be a few more weeks and its driving me insane. planning to move to a different state if i don't get in and go there.
  9. went and applied for. nursing school

    just an aside, the f's were not in pre requisite courses, they were for a non health related degree