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  1. Traveling in California

    Thank you Traveler782 for sharing your travel experience. We really
  2. We are planning to leave in April for Northern California. Can anyone recommend reputable traveling agencies and/or recruiters? And yes, this is our first time traveling, we would like to talk to as...
  3. Traveling in California

    We are planning to leave in April for Northern Cali. Can anyone recommend reputable traveling agency and/or recruiter? And yes, this is our first time traveling, we would like to talk to as many...
  4. Traveling in California

    Wow.... Thank you so much for the pic. It just make it so much more real for us. We probaly will end up with a MotorHome and getting a smaller car for towing in future. And thank you all for other...
  5. Time in between assignment

    May I ask where do you put your belongings between
  6. Traveling in California

    Thank you for the advise. I didn't know parking an RV could be so expensive. That is definitely something we have to reconsider. How are the pay rate out in Northern Cali currently? With housing and...
  7. Cleveland Clinic Ohio to Florida

    I don't know where CC Florida is but depending on your experience, $26/hr is an average pay around north west area with 10 years of
  8. Traveling in California

    We are going Traveling Nursing northern California in April, need to get some idea of how much the take home pay will be currently(Before we start talking to the recruiter)? And because we are...