Hi all -- I posted to this a few times during my first 6months as a new grad on a tele unit. I ended up leaving my position as staff nurse after 9 months. I just got to the point where the anxiety...
I have about 9 months experience on a cardiac unit. I have always been intrigued by home health nursing and I have an interview for a home health position next week (they only require 6 mos acute...
I too have a BA in Psychology and an interest in health and fitness, yoga, all that stuff. I went to nursing school after a few years in the corporate world, when I was 29 years old. I am only about...
Hi all... I had a pt who was one hour post sheath pull, and she began to feel diaphoretic, nauseated, and had a large emesis, HR down to 35. Gave IV nausea meds, but the nausea returned, and another...
I have been off orientation for about 2 mos now, and my new fear of the week is "what to do when my patient codes"...Of course, I know the basics from CPR class, and to grab the crash cart and ambu...
The doctor phone call is intimidating for me as well, but like others have said, remember that they are just another part of the team. My parents are both MD's and I have a lot of friends who are...
I am a new nurse, I have been on a tele floor for about 6 months now. Clearly, floor nursing is not for me. Like many other posters on this site, I can't relax at work, I never stop to eat, drink,...
Thank you all for such helpful advice! I can't wait to go into work tomorrow and try these new tricks. :) This site is really supportive and is helping my confidence...Thank you thank
I always try to aspirate for blood before starting a new bag of solution, or starting an antibiotic. When I am unable to see blood, but the saline flush goes through OK, I am still worried that the...
Thank you so much you guys! I appreciate your input so much. I have been going back and forth in my mind over this like you wouldn't believe. I was "officially" offered the med surg position today,...
I have been working on a tele floor for about 2 months, mostly post angio patients, sheath pulls, etc. I didn't feel the orientaiton was that great, and I feel disorganized and clueless. Management...
Hey there. You sound exactly like me! I too am just coming to the end of my orientation on a tele floor. I feel as if I am taking steps backwards, not forwards. My preceptor assures me that I will be...
Hi all. I am so happy I found this website. I have been in orientation for 2 weeks, and I am not having a good experience. Part of it is me, I am nervous most of the time, and seriously lacking self...