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About CanadianRN16

CanadianRN16 specializes in Geriatrics.

Recently licensed American RN living in Canada.

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  1. ADHD Nurses-what area do you specialize in?

    Hello, I had similar problems with my pediatric surgical placement in school. My preceptor was not a good fit, and the nurses on the unit were not supportive, talking to my preceptor behind my...
  2. Can RN works as a floor nurse in Nursing home/LTC?

    I don't imagine you'll find yourself without work in long term care given the increasing needs of care for the baby boomers. Most likely your role as a RN will change though, and you will act as more...
  3. STILL can't find a job

    James Bay area is in desparate need for nurses, if you don't mind going up north! My facility in Ottawa and others in my area are also looking for nurses, no one wants to work in long term care...
  4. Requirements for reinstating from non-practising class (Ontario)

    If only the government were so accomodating. As an American immigrant, I was forced to take an English proficiency
  5. Is my safety compromised?

    Unless you can find another trained staff to help you (RN/LPN/CNA) you by no means should transfer that resident. Unfortunately that resident is limited to a bed pan otherwise. That's an unsafe...
  6. contract language

    Dont sign the contract until you understand what is implied in the contract. Also, how do you know you're liable for 'eveything' if you can't understand your
  7. NP school in Ontario with low GPA

    I agree. Ideally I want to apply to the University of Ottawa, they have a solid Primary Health Care program. You also have to factor in the pool of applicants at your time of application. If you meet...
  8. Unit Dose Woes

    I find when I try to rush opening the med packs, pills fly everywhere...-_- Do you have access to the pill crusher pouches? If I have to crush 10+ pills I try to do them in one go with the
  9. NP school in Ontario with low GPA

    Which Canadian schools require that? In Ontario, even U of T has minimum GPA of 3.0. I'm currently working in Long Term Care and plan on spending time up north. The NP at my work offered to give me a...
  10. NP school in Ontario with low GPA

    I have the same cGPA and am interested in NP school too. Do you have experience in your desired program stream though? I feel like relevant experience and references would be a large part of the...
  11. RPN, Need help with Resume!

    Beyond joining the RPNAO, I don't see how you can spruce up your credentials/ CV. Your CV is fine. I hear Toronto is a tough market, and it's only been 2 months. Since you're a new grad with no paid...
  12. Failed NCLEX RN 3 TIMES

    If you failed in 75 questions for the third time, it indicates you really need to reevaluate your study plan. I found uWorld to be really helpful with loads of similar questions and detailed...
  13. As some one who endeavoured to learn enough medical French to pass the OQLF exam, it's not impossible. If you pass the OIIQ, there's no need to take the NCLEX. It's just a matter of learning the...
  14. Nursing student in US, but want to work in Canada

    There's no Canadian NCLEX, it's the same exam . As an American citizen in Canada who has taken the NCLEX, there's minimal barriers to me obtaining licensure in the US. The easiest way in the country...
  15. I can't find a JOB!! I'm so discouraged

    In Ontario, there's a current trend to minimize RNs in favour of RPNs. Many new grads in my area have trouble finding work. Do what you have to do to stay afloat financially and keep applying for...