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All Content by rnnluvnit2006

  1. Thoughts on entering travelling nursing for $$$$$

    To the person working in CA bringing in 1400/week, you are being severely underpaid!! Stipends MLE and wages should clear you quite a bit more than that...I believe your company is taking you for a ride. I have gotten into the habit of telling recr...
  2. traveling to Beebe in Lewes, DE

    Since you are both traveling, why don't one of you take the housing through the company and the other take the stipend and split it...that way you have a place to stay and you still have the $$$
  3. So sorry for your loss... I have had 3.(9 weeks, 11 weeks and 16)..and contrary to what others say, they don't get any easier.... While returning to work is the last thing you want to do...it is the one thing you HAVE to do...you have to do it for yo...
  4. When to apply for jobs in Northern California?

    You have very high hopes...that's great! What part of New Mexico are you in, and why are you coming to California? You have to pass your NCLEX after graduation, after which time you can apply for a CA license...word of warning that takes a LONNNNG ti...
  5. Now-now people...lets not throw sand in the sandbox! Perhaps the original poster is a new nurse, and is new to the world of backstabbing and flying fish...welcome to the shark tank my friend!! You will work with all kinds...some awesomely nice, some ...
  6. I think I would be letting them know that my services would be appreciated more at a competing facility....you can only be walked on if you let them walk on you...
  7. Confused!

    Sometimes seeing ourselves through others eyes is a bit of a reality check. Does it mean you are all those horrible things they say? No, does it mean that you are lacking in your skill set or job responsibilities? No What it does mean is that perc...
  8. Another reason unions suck!

    This is in response to your vacation, not the union and rules etc It is often said...it is much easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission. I know lots of nurses who ask for time off, get denied, and then call in sick. Its pretty stupi...
  9. Is the BSN worth it?

    Congratulations on your decision and dedication to further your education! The level of education you choose will be based on what you intend to use it for... If you are asking for an opinion.... well If you can do something to make yourself more mar...
  10. UTHSC Traditional BSN Fall 2016 Applicants

    UTHSCSA Alumni 2006 here!! I entered nursing school when the HESI was just being tested, but was not part of our admission. Lucky for me because I doubt even after being a nurse for 10 years I could even pass it! I had an overall 3.98 GPA with a 3.7 ...
  11. Nursing is a passion?

    Nursing does not have to be your passion to be a great nurse...but if it is...how awesome it is to get paid to do something you love to do...
  12. Administering Tylenol to a friend

    Whoa Killer...I was not trying to insult the actual educators of the world....merely her instructor who CLEARLY does fall into this category...common sense can not be taught, and the instructor does not seem to have any...
  13. How Do You Handle Mean Girls?

    Oh my dear friend...you are still in shallow waters...just wait till you end up in the shark infested zones!! Nurses must have thick...and I do mean THICK skin...there is this little saying...if they aren't talking to you...they are talking about you...
  14. Wanting to go into women's health; how to deal with the bad

    There is no greater teacher than life itself... I have been in OB for the better part of 10 years...and have experienced my share of grief and loss with patients and families alike. I have found that being human is by far the greatest way to deal wit...
  15. Being forced to stay at work. (West Virginia)

    What has this world come to? As an AT WILL employee you are being forced to stay against your will??? Seriously?
  16. Administering Tylenol to a friend

    All I can think of when I read this... Those who teach cannot do....Oops...did I say that??