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  1. HELP WITH STATS PROJECT (poll)-please.

    I drink 1-2 cups per
  2. Undecided between Nursing :(

    There are so many areas of nursing you could easily find your niche. I would definitely encourage you to go for it. there is a great need for public health nurses and although you will need to get...

    That sounds like a pretty solid plan. Did you use ATI
  4. Should I give up in taking NCLEX-RN or not?

    Keep pushing until you get it. You can do it. Never give up on your dreams!
  5. Failed NCLEX-RN 3rd time :(

    MauritaJoyceNursesMinds has good videos on youtube. She helps students who are failing or have failed to get back in the game. Have you taken a review course? Also ATI review books and buying a...
  6. Just got accepted to nursing school and I'm not excited.

    The only way to really know is to try it. There is no harm in trying it because you may discover that you love nursing. Not everyone goes into nursing knowing they wanted to be a nurse, I didn't....
  7. Got a D on a midterm evaluation

    I'm sure if you failed or not but I would contact the clinical professor and ask. Also find out where you went wrong and how you can correct it going forward. If you have more questions about...
  8. Is there no way to study for NCLEX

    This is incorrect. You most definitely can and must study for NCLEX. I took a test preparation class for a few days in addition to practicing ATI throughout my education. If you have more questions...
  9. There are two things you need. One is google calendar and the other is google docs. Put all of your assignments into google docs. Input all important dates into google calendar starting from the...
  10. What Else Can I Do For A Living?

    Hey, I'm not sure really what to advise because nursing is very specialized. However, I will make an attempt. Ok here goes: Teaching, work in plastic surgery/dermatology doing botox injections and...
  11. Seeking online or hybrid PMHNP Program

    The University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis is a great option as well. Good
  12. And then there's politics. Nursing can sometimes be very political. Instructors are human as well. I think most students are removed with good reason but there are
  13. Psych nurse. Questioning if psych is for me.

    Hi, I recently had a similar experience. I'm also a new grad in Psych. I think it is important for you to stick to what you know is correct. They have all said " if it were them they would have given...
  14. where else do ER nurses go?

    ER nurses usually see a fair amount of Psych patients. You could always use your ER experience in a Psych facility. I hope that helps!