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  1. Preparing for NCLEX while working as a GN

    Would I be rude if I asked you for the guide?
  2. Is anyone attending Suffolk Community College

    I am a senior nursing student at the Ammerman Campus, which campus do you attend? I took most of my pre reqs at that campus as well. Need anything let me
  3. Pulse Ox

    Does anyone know where to purchase a pulse oximeter? The fingertip version is all I want. I just did a clinical rotation at a hospital and they were extremely hard to find. That was one of my...
  4. nclex questions please help

    Carotid, because it supplies needed bloodflow to the
  5. Feeling Overwhelmed!

    Hello, I am in my 1st semester of 4 and my brain is fried. All I can say is DON'T GIVE UP! You worked too hard to get this far, please don't stop. You are a role model for me and everyone else....
  6. Organic Effective Disorder

    Thanks to all for guiding me with your answers. I appreciate it so
  7. Organic Effective Disorder

    Hello I am hoping someone can help me, as I am writing my first care plan. I need to have definitions of all my patient's medical diagnosis. In her chart it said Organic Effective Disorder, so I...
  8. I have always wanted to be a nurse. I can remember dreaming of it since the age of 5. I did get accepted to the nursing program at Russell Sage College in 1978. I got confused with a five letter...
  9. I attend Suffolk County Community College in Selden NY. Hopeful graduate May