SqrB3ar BSN, RN


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All Content by SqrB3ar

  1. SqrB3ar

    California nurse moving to nevada

    ICUman, didn't you live in Utah (I came across a few of your old posts before)? Do you know if Nevada hires new grads from Cali or do they prefer locals?
  2. SqrB3ar

    Fresno hospitals?????

    I was going to say CRMC too! It is my dream hospital. Do they accept new grads, specifically on the burn unit?
  3. SqrB3ar

    Lvn first then RN?

    I think they're kind of doing away with LVNs in a "acute hospital" setting if that's the place of employment you are hoping to work once you get the license. They're in demand in SNF or acute rehab/long term facilities. I would think getting into a L...
  4. SqrB3ar

    Job opportunities in a new state for a new grad?

    Such great info especially about North Carolina hiring out-of-state new grads! I have about a year left before graduating and have been stalking hospital positions to get a feel. I'm in the same boat as you OP, considering relocating. CA is so satura...
  5. SqrB3ar

    Failing Grad school course

    I am no way near where you are in terms of career, but I thought I'd give some words of encouragement. I at least know how it feels to have failed a course, especially when you've barely hit the mark. It is embarrassing, you feel inadequate or not sm...
  6. SqrB3ar

    RV's anyone???

    Thanks again Argo, I'll reread the thread. This time I'll take notes. :) Been an inspiration 3 years ago and still are lol
  7. SqrB3ar

    Gypsy/Nomad RNs - Tips and Experience?

    Thank you Argo! I've read so much from you actually.
  8. SqrB3ar

    Gypsy/Nomad RNs - Tips and Experience?

    Oh it's fine! There are many good answers across YouTube and such but most of them aren't nurses or have quit their jobs so it seems it's easier to get by with the lifestyle. I will patiently wait. :) Good luck with your adventures!
  9. SqrB3ar


    Hello! I'm hoping both of you are still available to respond. I am too currently in nursing school with an interest in serving. I thought to myself right after school with 6+ months BICU/ICU experience (Burns is my dream job) that applying as a commi...
  10. SqrB3ar

    First New Grad Job: Mixed feelings

    Does the same hospital have an L&D floor? Perhaps you can apply once there are openings or speak to someone about your interest. They should be more likely to hire internal.
  11. SqrB3ar

    Job opportunities in a new state for a new grad?

    Did you end up taking the out of state job?
  12. SqrB3ar

    Job opportunities in a new state for a new grad?

    Let us know if you find a job out here. I'm still in nursing school (CA) but am wondering if I should go out of state for my first job directly into the specialty I'd like. So far, some RNs said they had difficulty landing their first job, it took al...
  13. SqrB3ar

    Job opportunities in a new state for a new grad?

    Let us know if you find a job out here. I'm still in nursing school (CA) but am wondering if I should go out of state for my first job directly into the specialty I'd like. So far, some RNs said they had difficulty landing their first job, it took al...
  14. SqrB3ar

    What Helped Me Get Level 3 On Most of ATI Exams...

    Just an update if anyone cares to know lol I surprisingly made a level 3 for Funds Proctored yesterday. I cannot share what was exactly on the exam but there were some unexpected topics that were in there in terms of SATA. Majority of the class score...
  15. SqrB3ar

    What Helped Me Get Level 3 On Most of ATI Exams...

    You are so awesome, thank you! I've been using ATI ebooks/modules along with my other readings/assignments just to be better prepared for proctored exams and because of that, it isn't so much of a load when it comes to test day. Really hope what I've...
  16. SqrB3ar

    ATI Bare Naked! What do you want to know?

    Not sure if this forum is still active, but I've noticed others are still entering their emails for help. I have not done a proctored exam just yet but am familiar with ATI ebooks and practice exams/skill modules for each course ever since I found ou...