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About NursePandaBear

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  1. CEN Pocket Prep app?

    For the actual CEN the passing score is 70% basically. For practice tests aim for an 80% to give yourself jitter room on the actial exam. Jitter room being nervous / stress
  2. Pill packets suck

    Ugh I hate handing patients their cup with the shattered remains of morning meds. I'll say I know you didn't need this crushed but the packaging is impossible. Once I told a man if he needed whatever...
  3. Choose Your Favorite TV Nurse

    Nurse Hallie - Doc McStuffins Shes confident, reassuring, and organized in all that stuffed
  4. Give me the spoon!

    Finishing up my last couple weeks in my current unit. Transferring out of this craziness to another :) Walked into a room with a patient doing some funny business with illegal substances, 2 saline...
  5. Breastfeeding in Nursing School

    Best advice for nursing school - be flexible! Some things will HAVE to be an option for you. Whether the option be attending nursing school or breastfeeding. Really depends on how motivated you are....
  6. "Don't throw away those peaches" Sir your food is now growing peach fuzz.... *barf* We get a lot of mini hoarders where I work. I have to go through people's bedside tables and discard perishable...