Willy 00

Willy 00

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All Content by Willy 00

  1. Quitting during BIG investigation

    According to the CMA who worked that Friday, she observed the bottle being off by 5mls. She came back Monday and observed the bottle being off by 20-30mls. She told her charge nurse initially that it was off, and I guess that's where communication en...
  2. Greetings, I have an issue that I hope some of you could help me out on. I have been planning on quitting my job at a nursing home for a couple weeks now. I'm planned to turn in my two notice after the end of the month (beginning of April.) I already...
  3. Quitting during BIG investigation

    The patient was in the building. We just havent had him for very long.
  4. Quitting during BIG investigation

    Thanks! Right now, interestingly enough the police dont seem to be taking the whole thing real seriously. I hear they are going to be handing out a bunch of write-ups, but do far that seems to be the only thing. Not much longer now I guess!
  5. PEER Assistance Oklahoma

    I am curious about the PEER Assistance program and what a person is to expect upon entering. Any information from nurses outside the state of Oklahoma with information about their own PEER programs are appreciated. Does the nurse have to stop working...
  6. PEER Assistance Oklahoma

    Who did your initial evaluation to determine whether you needed PEER and how did they determine that you need time out of work?
  7. PEER Assistance Oklahoma

    That's interesting. Either KNAP is that strict or the OK program is a bit more easy going. That sure puts a little more perspective on things though. Lol I get all these horror stories from nurses here in Oklahoma that makes me wonder about the progr...
  8. PEER Assistance Oklahoma

    That was here in Oklahoma? Did they tell you at the evaluation that you needed to be off work for that long?