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About adellisrn

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  1. Croup Tent use for RSV

    WE NEVER use them. Not even for croup now. We do humidify the air in the room though (if indicated) If they do not have a dry sounding cough or a lot of mucous than no we don't even use humidity....
  2. theorist anne casey

    Did you check your school liberary? What about asking your teachers? if you did all this than good for you! If not than remember that the net is new, and MANY assignments were done from the book...
  3. good nursing job!!!!

    RN / RPN REQUIRED Must be able to work long hours with frequent mandatory overtime and regularly missed coffee breaks. Few holidays or weekends off. Must be able to keep massive amounts of paperwork...
  4. All Nurses Read This

    1, RN 2, 1yr 3, Ontario, CA 4, yes 5, yes 6, most times 7, NO 8, NO 9, We do and it is OK 10, I LOVE IT 11, no 12, on a 12 hr shift 3 breaks 13, rotate 14, 1 15, For most times 16, I do not know it I...
  5. Nursing Student Needs Help!

    I tried to email you, but the address was would not go through. I am a paediatric nurse in Ontario. If you would like my help email me [email protected]
  6. RN for 7 months in tears...failure if I can't cut it?

    You are NOT alone. I also have been a nurse for 7-8 months. I also have my days where I think serving fries and bugers would be much better... But then i have a pt smile and say "thank-you" It makes...
  7. Is this staffing the norm?

    We had a problem with staffing also. My advice to you is to DOCUMENT EVERYTHING. Also keep track of the type of pts, and critical or non critical. the number of staff and pt assignments, for your...
  8. A new site for nurses!

    Did you even try??? I found the part of the web site she mentioned above... If you followed the instructions you would have found a site with nice stories, and funny comics....
  9. New Grad Rates for RN's

    I am a nwe grad in Ontario, and I make 20.50 an hr. pluse weekend, shift premiums. I noticed you are from Ontario also. If you go to the CNA web site and click on facts, on the right hand side, you...
  10. Embarassing question to all experienced nurses.

    You are not the only one who has this problem... some of my freinds would keep a baggy of drier sheets in thier bags, and in the Am before doing morning care, would put a sheeet on her shoulder...
  11. OB drug book???

    When ever I started a new rotation I went to the floor a few days or 2 weeks before and asked if i could write down the stock drugs on the unit. This usually gave me a good idea of the more common...
  12. Pediatric IV standards

    Hi I am a nurse in Canada..I do not know how much things change from here to there but where I work the following are a few of our policies... We change the tubing every 72 hrs The sight depends on...