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All Content by Baviary

  1. I believe that there are major problems that nursing will never (?) solve - and some of these are the infighting and 'digging in heels' when discussing change. RN's who have been practicing for many years believe that THEIR way is the ONLY way and t...
  2. I am a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner in Massachusetts. I make quite a bit more than what it says here. Oh well!!! LOL!
  3. Nursing Student does not like PCT job

    There is NOTHING wrong with not liking your job as a PCT (in my area we call them nursing assistants, CNA's, etc). There are MANY units who will NOT hire a person who has worked in this job or as an LPN. It may help you within the facility but may ...
  4. I've been in this situation before. I worked 11p - 7a. I made sure EVERYTHING was neat, clean, etc before the next shift came through so that when giving report (we did bedside reports), the next shift would see things were neat, etc. One day durin...
  5. Nurse Practitioner vs Physician Assistant

    In reference to the 'hop between mental health and other areas', it is true that NPs can NOT. I am a Psychiatric NP and ONLY do mental health. FNPs and others do NOT have the training that I and others do unless they go back to school and take the ...
  6. Does everybody want to be a NP?

    I've met RN's who are rude and think they're better than everyone else..AND have met NP's who are the same. That being said...I am a Psychiatric NP, work outpatient. I make my own hours and see 3 patients an hour. I make 4X what I made at my best ...
  7. Having worked on a med/surg floor I get what the writer is saying. I also challenge each and every person to re-evaluate the negative thoughts around these patients. If I took all your dignity away, called you a liar (not directly of course but with ...
  8. Veteran night shift RN - Being forced to rotate shifts

    I also worked overnight and found that many nurses thought like you. This means that the responsibility of covering falls on US! We have to work as a team. Maybe if you took a shift once in a while this wouldn't have happened to you. Sorry but refu...