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All Content by squidneytx

  1. Pace ABSN Fall 2018

    I just got waitlisted, congrats to everyone who got in!
  2. Pace ABSN Fall 2018

    Thank you! Mine still says "In Review" so idk. I'm so nervous! I just want a decision.
  3. Pace ABSN Fall 2018

    Has anyone who interviewed on 3/19 heard back from them? My status still says "In Review" and they said it would be a really quick turnaround. Maybe the snow day last week delayed the decisions?
  4. Pace ABSN Fall 2018

    I think they might have just emailed out the last of the interview rounds, just received mine for 3/19. It says they cap enrollment at 64 students and it's a rolling admission so they said to sign up for the earliest available. The only options I was...
  5. Pace ABSN Fall 2018

    I in the same boat: applied 2 days before the deadline and one of my transcripts *finally* got there (3rd request to my old school). Went to "In Review" on Friday 2/16 so fingers crossed for an interview request!